Baby Lisa chin gets the tube!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Finally! she gets the fleece tube!


And when Bronwyn doesn't want to share baby Lisa gets it one way or the other!!

LAURIE! My God has Baby Lisa grown! She is absolutely gorgeous. Love Bronwyn too - Just realised I have been calling her Brownwyn all this time! Eek!
Awww. She looks so widdle in that tube! Don't you love it when they finally get what things are for?
awwww Baby Lisa is so sweet :)
and the pastel decor perfectly complements her natural beauty!
LOL Mae! I always spell Bronwyn's name wrong and have to back track and get rid of the first w!!!
Laurie, your chinnie's do the funniest things! I especially got a kick out of Bronwyn this weekend when she had the water bottle tube sticking in her forehead and then her ear, LOL!
They look like fat little cotton balls! Sooooo cute!
Baby Lisa is just too cute for words! Oh my goodness. For some reason, I can't see any pictures you post if I log in from work. I logged in tonight just to see!
Lisa is adorable but as I think I've told you before I stalk Bronwyn. She has the most gorgeous face.