baby hedgie pics

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Michelle (:

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Havnt posted in a while, but thought I'd share my new addition with all of you! I've had him for a couple days and hes just amazing! No huffing or popping and hasnt even balled up once. Hes eating and drinking great and loves to come out and sit with me, he just crawls right onto my hand. Here's the little guy, still doesnt have a name. I cant find one that suits him, any suggestions?




BEAUTIFUL! I love his dark coloration. What color is he? I am no good at telling the differences between them all, haha.
He's adorable! I think he needs a name from a lord of the rings charcter :)
he's gorgeous! and such a good temperament! i think you could call him tito. : ) or reggie. orrrr remus.
Thanks everyone! Heres a couple more pics (in some I couldnt get the camera to focus on the hedgie *still no name*, it kept picking other things to focus in on!). He's already learned to use his litter box, except he usually ends up pooping on me since I usually wake him up and play with him so he doesnt have time to go before coming out. haha.



and of course every hedgie love his tp tube!



The last pic of each of your posts are my fave, he is just prescious! He definitely is a ham for the camera, congratulations!
I can't believe he's so tiny! It's been so long since mine were babies... Spike is up to 500 grams and he can't even get his whole head into a tube anymore! Absolutely lovely pictures...

I think Norbert would be a perfect name ;)
Wow, he's very photogenic, what a cutie pie! I like Frodo as a name, but that's just me... :)
He is so adorable! The pictures (especially in the first post) came out so clear! Congratulations on your new hedgie.