Baby chin missing!!!

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New member
Sep 13, 2011
We decided to move our baby chins into the main cage after some "baby proofing" and this morning one is missing!

It is a week and a half old... how long can they survive without their mother? Any ideas on how to find him?
Can you get mom in a cage on the floor so that baby can find her? Try putting some dust baths out to attract it as well. Not sure if a kit that young will recognize the dust, but it's worth a try.
Hope you find the baby. Another idea is follow the track of the poop, hoping the baby is pooping that is.
a track of poop does work its how i found mine and if shes done dust try putting a bell or something on the bath so you hear it when she bathes
when Bam Bam slipped out from his tiny body. darn these kits are like baby furbies! I woke up and he was GONE. assuming he was still near the cage since he was nervous at the new environment, i followed the general poop layout and placed some apple logs around the area. Altho i didnt feed him any since he was a baby, Bam Bam sniffed something good and came out and it was a challenge to get him.

Good luck!!!! and if your quiet enough, you may hear movement!!
I found my mouse who was loose in my house for hours, in under 15 minutes from following the poo trail. It works, and my mouse was even smaller than a chinchilla kit.

I am desperately hoping you found the kit or will soon!
It would be nice is people who post in the emergency section would keep everyone updated as to what the situation is, its not fair to those that help not to be kept informed.
It would be nice is people who post in the emergency section would keep everyone updated as to what the situation is, its not fair to those that help not to be kept informed.

very true. at the least, stay online more than 2 minutes after posting to see if anyone has replied with useful information.

i can't give any additional advice on how to find the lost kit, but i do hope it has been found!
I agree with the above statement.
Speaking of run away chins, my boys got out of the cage the other day since I forgot to shut their cage all the way. Came back 30 minute later I see one gray fuzz ball whom managed to open their hay bucket and eating out of it, the black fuzz ball is popcorning happily around town. :hilarious:
Just wanted to point out the dust bath isnt likely to work for a week and a half old - they don't recognize it as a fun place to be yet - that happens around 4-6 wks.