Baby chin bites

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Active member
Apr 3, 2012
So I have had chins in the past, but never babies. I am used to the love nibbles of my older chin, but have noticed with no food smells on peoples hands, my baby will go to bite. I have never personally been bitten really hard, because I move my hand when I start to feel too much pressure. I keep petting her or whatever I was doing, so it is not like she escapes. However, she has broken my husbands skin, and bitten him much harder than me even though she likes to sit on him.

Is it just because she is young she doesn't realize her strength? What do you do to teach your chins that these bites are not good? Thanks for any tips! I have told her no, and she just looks at me like I am crazy! lol
is it an aggression bite or just a bite?

With the babies iv personally had, iv noticed their bit are always worse then an adults. To me they seem to have much sharper teeth. Their also to young to understand the difference sometimes. They may not realize just what they are doing. As my babies grew, they grew outa that fortunately.

One time i was at petsmart and i saw this other group going to buy the chin their. S/he was a very very young chin imo. Energetic and curious as could be. Friendliest little chin ever. But his teeth were super sharp and s/he didn't know any better. S/He bit me and actually drew blood. First time ever a chin drew blood on me. But you could tell from the chins attitude that he had no intentions of doing such a thing. He was not aggressive. Just a combination of youth and sharp teeth.

So the first step to me would be identifying what type of bite your chin is doing.
Sometimes when a chin (especially a young chin) is nibbling they will nibble too hard. Personally I don't think they realize they are hurting you. So you need and your husband to tell her that it hurts as soon as the strong bite starts. I usually do this by saying "no bite" in a gruff manner and move my finger from the mouth. Then I talk with the chin about it. From my experience they learn pretty quickly to nibble gently. It might take a couple of times for her to understand. Don't act afraid of her and be consistent.
Yeah I thought it is probably just because she is a baby. I know she is not an evil chin, she loves to cuddle. I will just have to make sure he says no BEFORE it is so hard instead of after skin breaks or it just hurts too much. I am hoping she will learn fairly quickly.
One of my kits that was a surrender has been hand fed along with a foster chin mom feeding her. I have noticed with her ever since she's been weined she does bite harder than she used to. They really don't know their own strength. I basically say ouch when she bites, but I do not pull my hand away. The more you do so, the more they will learn if they don't want to be bothered they just need to bite you. You can always get a pair of leather gloves when interacting with her, so when she bites it's not skin until her biting stage is gone.