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Are there any tell tell sighns if my chin is expecting? She never has been as active as my male but lately she seems content to sleep most of the time and really doesn't run around too much even durring play time. She started laying on her side last night. She seems healthy so i'm not concerned of desiese or infections.
Weight gain and laying on their side are symptoms of pregnancy, but there are many chins who love laying on their sides who aren't pregnant.

Are your female and male housed together? May I ask where you purchased them from?
They are housed together, I bought them from a teenager who used to show them. The female is 2 the male is 1 1/2. When i got them a couple months ago i was told she may be pregnant so i never thought of seperating them until after a birth.
Chances are she never showed them at sanctioned chinchilla shows, so separate them NOW. If she wasn't pregnant at the time you purchased the, she more than likely is now. Put mom in a baby-safe cage (wire that is 5."x1" or .5"x.5") and start the pregnancy watch count then leave them separated unless you get the male fixed. If you want to breed, read up and do your research. Breeding is a LOT more than just putting two animals together and letting them mate.
i really have no intentions of further breeding, however i left them together for company until the birth. If i get the male fixed is seperating them now really needed? will the male harm the kits?
Don't bother getting the male fixed. Separate them into two cages. This is a common scenario with chinchillas that are paired up when they should not be.

A good cage for keeping them separate yet giving each good amount of space is the FN-142 by Ferret Nation.

You should not keep them together as other posters have mentioned. If she isn't pregnant she will most likely get pregnant. And they can get pregnant almost immediately after giving birth so unless you're watching 24/7 for the birthing she might get impregnated again.
I have a FF cage and really don't want to seperate them if it's possible to get the male fixed... is this a bad idea?
If you get your male fixed, you need to insure that you have a GOOD vet who is willing to do it. There is a thread in the "Vet Questions" regarding how our resident "go-to" vet fixes chinchillas and I'm sure she'd be willing to answer any questions another vet would have regarding the procedure. The price is going to vary by area though, so you'd have to ask your vet what he or she would charge.

There are quite a few people who have had their males fixed with no problems. However, you are going to need to keep him apart from mom for at least 30 days to insure all viable semen has died and so he has time to heal.

But you need to separate NOW so that if she's not already pregnant, she doesn't become pregnant. You can also separate now and wait to see what she has if she is pregnant. If she has a male and a female kit, you can pair the female with mom and the male with dad when old enough. Each half of the FF cage is plenty big enough for 2 chinchillas if the situation turns out that way.
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I think the male and the female should be removed right away if you are not planning to breed. As breedback could happen when the female is near her due date.

You could check for elongating nipples for signs of pregnancy. You could blow gently beneath her to check on the nipples, it is normally found beneath her by the side. But I wouldn't actually advise on carrying her so much as you wouldn't know what it would do harm to her kit.