Atlantic Chapter Annual Picnic/Seminar

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Loretto, Pa
Just wanted to post about the Annual Atlantic Picnic/Seminar Sunday August 30th at Whitewoods Ranch. 11:00am to 5:00pm. There were talks about having people bring their chins to evaluate and have a mock show, and grade your chins under the judges supervision, Not sure about that. Hopefully someone will post more on that.
I can't make it. Summer weekends are always out for me because of the type of work I do (so glad show season isn't then!).
is anyone going to this in virginia or further south?? looking for a possible chin transport back pm plz
I am going. I talked to Chris over the weekend, and was told NO ONE has RSVP'd. Please make sure you RSVP to dave and chris if you are planning on attending!!
I'm coming! And I'll bring a few chins for the peer judging!

Don't forget, there will be a chapter meeting afterwards as well!