At what point do you consider a chinchilla "sick"? Or "sick enough" to be put down?

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That's a ridiculous price. A 250 ml bottle of euthanasia solution is probably 1/3 rd that price and typically the dose is 1ml per 10 lbs. vets tend to be heavy handed on it so will give more. I just put one of mine down and I gave .5ml-he was on the smaller side.
Also... was quoted $110 to put a chin down (at the first vet which said she still wouldn't put down a chin that's "otherwise healthy" *rolls eyes* -- needless to say we wouldn't be going to her for that). I'm sure prices vary, but is that about normal? I haven't had to put one down in years and I don't remember what it was last time.

Does that include disposal? I think the most I've ever paid for a euthanasia was $60, and took the animal home.
To me, it seems this could be drained from the outside and the tooth could be left in place
I have a pic on my website of a chin that had an external blowout of an identical abscess to yours. There was no previous sign of malo, no watery eyes and she didn't appear skinnier than normal. It leaves a hole and opens the jaw bone up to other things.

So with this kind of problem... is this a situation where she should immediately be put down? Or is this kind of a wait and see how her quality of life is and when it deteriorates, put her down

I guess the real question is, do you want to wake up and find a hole like that on your chin? How do you feel she is progressing now? It's really up to your judgement, and how your mom will feel if she doesn't get to see her chin again.

I'm in agreement with everyone else on the euthanasia costs/etc.
Does that include disposal? I think the most I've ever paid for a euthanasia was $60, and took the animal home.

No, that was with me taking the chin home. *shakes head*. Is everything about profit? Course that's the same place that would have me pay $25 extra to be with the chin...
So with this kind of problem... is this a situation where she should immediately be put down? Or is this kind of a wait and see how her quality of life is and when it deteriorates, put her down? I'm used to malo chins but never something like this. I don't know if it matters, but at the moment, she's still eating, hopping around, running on her wheel (when we give it to her, for limited amounts of time maybe once a week, now that she's lost so much weight)... acting reasonably normal.

Sadly, I also have to say "been there done that" & personally speaking I think it is a case of sooner rather than later - even if the chin is pottering about & looking 'normal', what is happening internally is gross infection & pain - at some point it is possible that the chin will develop septicaemia & become collapsed ('flat') & unresponsive ........

I'm sorry :(
Well, will be talking with my mom when I go to the hosp. today. She won't be happy, but she doesn't want critters to suffer either.

Kind of an odd question...for the put down...can we literally call up a vet and say hey I want to have this chin put down, when can I make an appt? The few times I've had critters pts in the past, it was always the same vet that had treated the animal and knew that decision was near...versus here where I'll be heading into a vet ive not brought the pet to before, and asking that vet to put her down. I suppose I'm asking if anyonr's had a problem getting a random vet that hasn't seen you before put down an animal? I mean of course I'll explain the situation I was just wondering
The vet does not need to have seen the animal before. Some vets will charge an office visit and include that in the euthanasia price and they should always do an evaluation of the animal and give their recommendations before euthanizing the animal. Call around to some vet offices and if the reception says they can't euthanize the animal, ask to talk directly to the veterinarian.

A veterinarian can refuse to euthanize an animal, but there is always a vet out there that will do what the owner wants.

The most I paid for euthanasia was $64 and I thought that was outrageous. I've had another vet do it for $15, because a dying chinchilla really doesn't weigh that much.
That's a ridiculous price. A 250 ml bottle of euthanasia solution is probably 1/3 rd that price and typically the dose is 1ml per 10 lbs. vets tend to be heavy handed on it so will give more. I just put one of mine down and I gave .5ml-he was on the smaller side.

They go with more than needed because they'd rather go overboard then risk underdosing and "oh my fluffy sat up". That would be a bit traumatizing to the owners, if instead of dying the animal continues to live and they have to draw up more of the solution and do it over again. So we always draw up more than needed to make sure, since adrenaline can affect the effectiveness of the drug. You want it over fast, for everyone's sake, especially the animal. I just put my malo chin down today and I was glad it was quick.
I am sorry for your loss White Tree. We had our cat euthanized last month. It was $60 for the procedure and $100 for the housecall fee. I chose to have it done on a Saturday at my home in his favorite spot on the patio. We buried him ourselves.
With my chinchillas, they quoted me no charge for the procedure itself and $100 for the private cremation. That was for my malo chin. We have not had to do it yet.
No, that was with me taking the chin home. *shakes head*. Is everything about profit? Course that's the same place that would have me pay $25 extra to be with the chin...

I had Lily pts at a university teaching hospital. Not only did I get to be with her, but I was able to keep my hand on her. I paid $25 for the procedure and another $30ish to have them take her after. At that point I'd spent so much I couldn't afford the cremation, and living in an apartment I had no place to bury her. Do you live close to any universities with teaching hospitals? Their prices may be less?
Wanted to update yesterday but the computer was occupied the entire night.

Me and my dad made the decision to wait until my mom could see her again and say goodbye. So, yesterday I picked my mom up from the hospital, came home and said goodbye to Jinx, and called up the local animal hospital. Went in... they originally said I couldn't stay with her, but then the vet asked me if I was sure I didn't want to stay (and I told him they said I couldn't)... so they had to go in the back and chat about whether I could or could not stay. They ended up saying they'd do it the old fashioned way, so that I could stay (which I thought was nice of them), where they'd give her a shot in her stomach to put her "under," and then once she was "out," they'd find a vein then and give her the final injection. Well, they gave her the shot in the stomach and handed her to me... and she just fell asleep and passed. They took her in the back to get the doctor to see if she had a heartbeat, but the shot to put her under was enough, they never had to give her the other injection. It ended up being $47 for the procedure, I thought that was reasonable. I decided to get a little clay pawprint thing that the vet offered with her name and some hearts. The vet tech said the pawprints turned out really nice, so I can't wait until it's ready to pick up (I asked her to do the two front paws). We'll put that on top of our stack of runs, where the ashes and fur clippings of some other chins that have passed are.

Today... feels weird. In the past when we've put down chins, they were always obviously near the end, not eating, just laying around, no energy, but with Jinx... she was moving around, still eating, still chipper... at the vet's she kept wanting to run back into her carrier, wanting to go home, which made it harder for me. But she's at peace now, and that's what matters.

I brought her body home and put it in the cage with her cagemate for a few minutes so she could understand (as best she could) that Jinx was gone. I don't know if we're going to bury her or what, as the ground is a rock with over a foot of snow right now, but we'll see.

Thanks everyone who helped me with this situation and the final decision. I think this forum is great, for all the help that can be offered in a situation like this, where the vet would do whatever necessary to save her life, yet sometimes it's not worth that, and there needs to be people to tell you there experiences and to tell you if it's worth going through all of that. So I thank you all.
RIP Jinx. I know this sounds a little weird but both a friend of mine and myself had an animal die in the winter. We wrapped the animal (her a cat, me a chin) up, put the body in a plastic bag and label it so there was NO MISTAKE and put the body in the freezer in the cellar until the ground thawed. I don't know if you have that option but it is an idea
Just read this and I am sorry to hear about Jinx. :( I think you did the right thing.

I have been quoted $120 for euthinasia before but Im also near an ag lab and I havent checked with them yet. For me it's both money and quality of life. Im willing to go until a point but $1500 is pushing it, and sure as heck wouldnt spend 19k on any pet. Id end up divorced.
Sounds like the best outcome for a sad situation. Glad you could be there. I think they find comfort with having their human near.
So sorry you had to go through all of this :( It is always heart breaking to lose a family pet. I hope your mother's heart heals quickly.
So sorry you had to go through all of this :( It is always heart breaking to lose a family pet. I hope your mother's heart heals quickly.

You know, oddly enough my mother seems to be doing fine. She was talking with my dad about possibly getting a cagemate for Puff (her other chin) to replace Jinx. Course, she's always been more of the 'it's a replaceable animal' mentality. She always thinks I'm nuts for what I spend on the rescues. But she may just be hiding it.

Me, on the other hand, this wasnt even my chin and I'm a basketcase. I'll be doing whatever and I'll randomly get these thoughts of how I should have given her some raisins before going to the vet or I should have let her take one last run on her wheel. Or I think about how she never got to see and enjoy the candy cane and Christmas tree toys I bought for her because we had her in a different cage since her filing right around Christmas. I had figured she's enjoy the chews when she went back to her own cage when she was feeling better...but she never did. :'(