MY little buttmunch is either a genius or a evil little brat! I have a set of four breeding runs. I had one chin at one end, one chin at the other. My littlest one Opened his breeding run got into it and then opened the other one from the INSIDE and attacked my bigger baby! :impatient: I caught them before anything drastic happened like before. (Two years ago Jo, my little one, attacked Samson and tore open the back of his neck BAD and he was in shock, he's fine but to this day I regret not taking him to the vet, he could've died....) But ever since they have hated each other. Is it normal for them to be able to open the run? And is there a way to keep it from happening? I put the close back on and moved Samson, but he's gonna have to go back in there soon. I am so frustrated the the little thing. :banghead: Grrrrr....that little tiny bundle of evilness....