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<---House beaver.
Jan 12, 2010
I swear Shelly's daddy drives me crazy somedays. Last night he had a humidifier on in the livingroom while Shelly was playing. I was in the kitchen cooking and told him to keep her away from it. Well take a guess who was sitting on top of the humidifier when I brought out dinner...Shelly! :banghead: I could have beat him silly. She looked at me and jumped away. So of course I followed her with a towel to see how wet she really was. She was SOAKED and rolling on the ground trying to get dry. I caught her and dried her. She was kacking and pushing me like crazy. I'm not the one who let her get wet, yet I'm the bad parent who is catching and drying her. Ok done venting.
Just make sure that her fur is 100% dry deep down in the poof of fur! We don't want any fungus!
Aww poor Shelly.

Bryson almost took a dip last week. I had him out for playtime after work and I was so tired. I forgot to put the toilet seat down and he jumped up and I swear, it was like one of those cartoons where the animals hit the breaks in midair. Luckily he over jumped the toilet and landed on the other side.
I triple checked to make sure she was all dry. She was MAD at me. Thank goodness she is no a sprayer I would have been soaked. I have her a new chew when I was done and all was forgiven.
aww she and kishi would get along, kishi got out of her fence and jumped into a bucket of water(i think she was just curious, she lept back out again, but she was SOAKED, luckily it was warm water and she ran to me, a grabbed a big bath towel and dried her with it, poor girl was rolling on the carpet =/ i felt horrible and made SURE tose hooks were latched from then on