Both my Chins are tame (1m, 1f, 3 kits) although dad can get nippy if you disturb him but mom is just a sweet heart and comes to the top of the cage everytime I move to bet for attention and a treat. But people say the male is mean not realizing that you can't walk up to a sleeping animal that you've never met, rattle the cage, and then stick in your finger while chanting come to papa, I would bite you too, after all you did wake my when I was taking a nap. You just have to use common sense, your pet loove the person that feeds them, cleans them, and treats them nice all the time with a soft voice, and you need to approach them for play time when they are up and about wanting to play and for my chins that's mostly between 8pm to midnight, there only up in the day to get a drink and a nibble and then back to sleep.