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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Sometimes my country does things that sadden me so. Today we fly the flag half mast for a man who lived for 77 years, yet walked away without a word, without trying to help or seek help for an innocent young woman who's only mistake was getting into a car with him. She died at the age of 28 and was never a mother.

I'm just so horribly disappointed when we look the other way.
We just noticed the flag literally not ten mins ago. Im actually really grumified about it now I know who its for.
I was pretty much sickened by the entire thing from the moment he announced his diagnosis until now. One old woman said "He helped me, so I don't care to listen to what he did. As far as I am concerned, all his sins are forgiven."

I think Mary Jo's family aren't feeling quite so forgiving, her parents long gone, her brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. I hope this woman understands that she was trapped in a car and left to drown, and that that can never, ever be forgiven. I don't care if he handed you a million dollars. Murder is murder and it's disgusting to see him treated like he was some kind of God.
Apparently the half mast thing happens for all senators who die "in service" so.... Take that as you will.

For a point of humor:
The next time I do something wrong and end up in court I have decided to plea... "Kennedy". Basically our logic is, this is Guilty with no chance consequence or repercussion but you aren't allowed to run for president. I'm willing to take that blow.

You were speeding...Kennedy
You are charged with Larceny.... Kennedy
You are charged with assult and battery... Kennedy
You killed a woman... Ummm Kennedy.

I think this will turn out well for me. :rofl:
We(Keith, mom, and I) were talking about his death at work, and Keith made the comment that it's about time, the Kennedy family was nothing but a bunch of "corrupt women killers and it's about time they're gone."
A wonderful friend of ours died of complications to cancer, he was caring, giving, would help anyone. He was 24. He went to WyoTech, was married with a two year old and a baby on the way, loved and served his country. Yet only people who knew him flew the flag half mast for him. People make me sick.
He's a KENNEDY! What do you expect? Son of JOE and ROSE! Brother of JOHN, BOBBY, EUNICE! I'm sorry. I have NEVER been enamoured of the Kennedy's. Money does buy your way through a lot of things. I'm sorry he died and I'm sorry he had cancer. But he is just a human being, no different than you or I. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't know anything about his voting record, but I do remember my father explaining what happened at Chappaquiddick and how sick I felt knowing that he knew she'd die if left there, and he just left. He may have done good things for this country, I don't know, but he did a very *bad* thing to one individual and her family, and that's the part that sticks with me. That friends my age are mourning him as some kind of national hero makes me want to find their history/government teachers and drop the text books on their... feet. Yeah, feet.
I'm just disgusted by the whole thing...from how he responded to the situation how did they NOT rule it a homicide?! He didn't contact police! And now we want to honor him because he died. Guess what? EVERYONE dies...he's not special just because his heart stopped beating. *sigh* sometimes, this country disappoints me. :(
I remember a thread from a while back about him on here, so I was looking to see if there was a new one now that he's died--I was shocked noone had posted one! Glad to see it's up now :p

If you're all disgusted, imagine living here, working in Boston this week. It's sickening. This woman walked by me today decked out in red, white and blue like it was the 4th of July. I probably gave her the dirtiest look I could make. I don't understand why people worship him. I just don't. The whole family. Rose was only mentally retarded because of what they did to her.. ::sigh:: And Ted, I can't figure out if he was naive and ignorant or just plain stupid. Like trying to get someone to take his Spanish test at Harvard for him---did he think that was ok, that's the way things are done, or was he just too stupid and got caught. Chappaquiddick--did they not cover what to do when you drive drunk and kill someone in his prep school and he had to go ask so that's why he disappeared? And people saying all the good things he's done outweigh the bad.. The man lived in a mansion, had yachts, was living the rich, entitled life that he was given without worry of, "how am I going to make rent this month?" "am I going to lose my job in this economic downturn?" It's REAL easy to "fight" for the underpriveledged when you're living the high life without any of the day to day worries that the rest of us endure. And to be honest, I think the whole family preys on the underpriveledged to keep themselves above the rest of us. I haven't really formed into words that feeling yet tho, I have to think about it some more.

I don't understand how he got reelected so many times either.. Most people I talk to didn't like the man. I think a lot of people voted for him because "he has the experience and knows how the system works" Term limits. They're needed.

I'm glad it's Friday and this whole thing won't interfer too much longer with my commute. Every train that goes by it is stopping at the JFK stop, trains are overcrowded, delayed.. bah.
The only reason I am compelled to feel any sorrow for the man is because he died from cancer. I feel sorrow for anyone who dies that death because it is an awful way to go. Long and painful. It also means that we have not found a cure for it yet and there are more innocent people that have less of a chance of survival. But I may be biased because cancer has effected my life an extraordinary amount.

This being said, he is in a better place now... Away from making any important decisions or harming any more people... Where he is now truely being judged for the mistakes he has made and paying for them for eternity... If you believe in that sort of thing.
From someone that lives next door to the state he was worshiped in I can tell you from news reports that the reasons why he is worshiped is because he "worked hard for the middle and lower class." He was the one that pushed hard to raise minimum wages and so on. One person on the news report said that his mother wrote him with concerns about something (sorry I forget) and he wrote back a handwritten 10 page letter. I was watching mass news and there were several personal stories about that.

I'm not saying that is my point of view or that I worshiped him because I didn't. I'm just explaining some of their point of view. I'm sure in his later years he did realize what he did and tried to redeem himself.
He did do alot of good. But it doesn't out way the bad. It just is, if we focus on one or the other it is how we view him. When I die I want to be remembered for who I am, not just my good bits but for my bad ones too. I want to be remembered honestly, not as something I wasn't. If all you report are his good moments people will rebel and be angry that you don't remember the bad and visa versa.

I don't think it should be the huge deal that is over crowding the train systems. And disrupting peoples lives. Its forcing people to appear to greif who don't want too. Thats just annoying. The flags at half mast I understand if I don't agree with. He was a current senator when he died. Although he is not a soldier dying in service to his country, he was in service, and cancer is a hard one to take.

Take all the above as you will, I was not a huge fan of the man. This national greiving for celebs and "american royalty" is making me very grumpy.
What I find the most amazing is that I mentioned no names yet everyone knew exactly who I was talking about! I've never been a fan of this family EVER--I'm disgusted by the high regards quite a few people give them. They were a family of boot leggers making their mark in our "free" country. They got away with adulterous affairs, abuse, and murder. Ted walked away with a slap on the wrist--think Michael Jackson's doctor will? Heck no! Now if Michael had killed someone yep it would be a slap on the wrists.

Our double standards sometimes are so difficult to watch and swallow.

But I am proud to be an American.

I don't feel sad Ted died of cancer--mine own beautiful sister died from cancer and she should not have been taken--but him a man who killed and got away with it--yep sorry but it's fitting for him.

I admired his sister, who founded the Special Olympics--she should have been glorified SO much more than her brothers who were killed in office and who died in office. She was someone to be admired certainly not any of them.
I've never been a fan of this family EVER--I'm disgusted by the high regards quite a few people give them. They were a family of boot leggers making their mark in our "free" country.

Hey! Watch it! My great grandfather made one of his many fortunes as a moonshiner in WV! ;)

I believe that the fuss that's being made is not over Ted Kennedy himself, but over the loss of "a Kennedy". The American people have always had a fascination with the Kennedys. I read a biography of JFK, I think by Stephen Ambrose, and I have to admit, they are very interesting people.

That being said, I think people on both sides are making him out to be something he wasn't. He wasn't a god or a demon. He was just a man, with faults, weaknesses and bad decisions just like the rest of us. I'm sure he had his regrets and things he was ashamed of, just like he had things he was proud of.

I feel bad for the passing of any person because everyone has someone that loved them, and those people are hurting and grieving for the one they lost.

I think now might be the time for "Judge not, lest ye be judged." It isn't up to us to decide what kind of person he was or what he deserves.
i definitely agree with abby ^

i dont have anything to say regarding the passing of Ted Kennedy. however, i always find it sad that people either love or hate the kennedys. somehow the name either invokes enthusiasm or hate.

i'll admit that i have always admired john and bobby. yea, im only 21 but theyve inspired me. i wish the family wasnt looked at as a whole because it takes away from what each individual has done for the country. im gonna have to disagree with you laurie when you say that john and bobby shouldnt be admired. they both had a chance to really help this country during those times. for what the times were, they were definitely beacons of hope. i dont think we can just throw them into the soup of bad eggs, mostly because both had their chances cut short (and one never even had a chance-thats a tragedy to me).

i can see the frustration, however, with Ted. and its sad that somehow politics is full of double standards. be it as it may, its not up to us to do the judging, thats God's job.

but certainly, the worshiping should stop. not just for ted or michael, but for anyone famous and in the spotlight.