Are these chin appropirate?

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I had two in my cage for a while until I posted pictures and everyone said "take those out!" because they have honey which has sugar in it, which isn't good for chins.

The breeder that I got my first two chins from had them, and he didn't have any problems with them from what he said. I have also seen quite a few pictures with those in chin cages. I would just assume that if chins chewed on them that they wouldn't be as healthy as they could be without them.

I'm not by any means saying that they are chin friendly, especially because tunes says so and I'd say she knows what shes talking about. :)

Anyways, they have been removed from my cage and replaced with "chubes". I do still put them out during supervised playtime. They crawl through them and jump on them. They rarely try to chew them (only one of mine will try from time to time), but if they do I just tell them no and they stop.
Maybe you could find a way to wrap them in fleece? That way you could still use them.
ohh maybe I could! I mean I don't think there is anyway my little syrian hamster can go through four of these things lol

Yeah, my mom doesn't like to admit it but she loves my mammals. If I take her into a petstore (which is rare) she will usually by some treat for each mammal. One time when I had a guinea pig, she left spending almost 300. :0
That much sugar isn't good for your hammies either. :( Maybe you could set up a chipmunk/squirrel hide out in your back yard? They can actually use the extra sugar in that kind of treat/food because they live a much more active lifestyle with less access to good food.
That much sugar isn't good for your hammies either. :( Maybe you could set up a chipmunk/squirrel hide out in your back yard? They can actually use the extra sugar in that kind of treat/food because they live a much more active lifestyle with less access to good food.

He doesnt chew on it, I have had the bridge before. he just like to climb on it. I am just waiting for him to pee on it enough to destory it lol :)
I think covering it with fleece would just make a sticky icky mess! I used to use those and they are pretty gross when they get wet or peed on.
Not only the sugar and honey, they use alginate to bind it all together-alginate is the rubbery stuff dentists use to make molds of your mouth, can't imagine a chin could digest that well if they ingest it.
Nope. I made the mistake of having them also. I have some pictures in my album, but those log things have since been removed! :) (Thanks to the the helpful advice found on this forum.)
i have one of those in gizmo's cage right now. we got it before i found this site. he nibbled it once and decided he didnt want to eat it. its remained untouched since i got it and i use it kinda as a toy for playtime and sometimes its in his cage as an added thing to jump on.

he's been great so far so i think it might also depend on if your chin will chew absolutely everything. i wouldnt go out and get another one though- i'd rather by normal wooden hidey houses. and its gotten wet once before (when it wasnt in his cage) and surprisingly, it wasnt sticky.

your call though. maybe as playtime toys for jumping and adventure.
no those are absolutely not chin safe, i made the mistake of getting one of the "snack shacks" for silkie when i was new to chin-momdom And it was a mess,i later found out i was very lucky as some of the ingredients can make chins very ill.
Maybe you could set up a chipmunk/squirrel hide out in your back yard? They can actually use the extra sugar in that kind of treat/food because they live a much more active lifestyle with less access to good food.

Nice idea about putting it out for the wild critters. I had to dispose of some timothy hay when I got Trixie a batch of new. Nothing wrong with it, just old..bits and crimbs from the bottom of the container. I put it outside under our evergreen tree where a lot of squirrels and birds hang out. Got to watch them going at it from my living room window.