Are salt wheels dangerous to chins?

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I recently bought a variety pack of treats and hay, and included were little salt wheels that you attach to side of the cage. Theres a picture of a chin on the package, but in the 3 years of having them, I've realized that means ABSOLUTELY nothing. So my question is are they safe to use? I've tried doing searches online and get a 50/50 of split answers. Some places say they are perfectly safe, while others say they cause them to have seizures, and can even cause death? So if anyone has any information, please share. I'd MUCH rather be safe than sorry.
They are unnecessary for chins. A good quality pellet provides all the nutrients a chin needs.
Besides not being needed they tend to draw moisture which can bring on fungus problems.
They aren't needed but they won't hurt a chin either. I got mine some of those carrot flavored/looking ones when I first started. I arrived home to two orange chins! They had pulverized it and rolled in it to the point there was just a huge nasty mess all over. I was impressed. :D
Sorta on the same note. i used to buy these white chew blocks for my chins, it was obvious that they didnt eat them, just chewed. Well the company stopped making them so I got bird ones that had basicly the same ingrediants except for "juice." I tried it and my beige male is turned pink, while my standard male turned yellow. They love them, but with the mess they make I can honestly say they dont eat any of it.