Are Chins sensitive to scents?

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user 1726

<---Mister Belvedere
Apr 10, 2011
I usually burn candles or use oil warmers when I'm cleaning my house but I haven't used anything since we got Mr. Belvedere last Friday. While I was cleaning today I wanted to light my oil warmer but I was concerned he might be sensitive to the smell so I thought I'd ask here. This may be a silly question, but I figured better safe than sorry.
i wouldn't use air fresheners, scented oils/candles in the same room as a chin, but elsewhere in the house should be fine.

i spray febreeze air effects in my living room and front hall, but it is two closed doors away from Rhino, and i only spray a little. if the other people that live in my apartment building didn't cook such yucky smelling food, i wouldn't have to spray at all! lol. (seriously, it sometimes smells like wet cooked dog or something! yuck)
Like ChinnyMom said I wouldn't spray/burn anything in the direct vicinity as the chin...I was also told using any aerosols around them is a no no...they can be harmful to your chin
This is a debatable question on the forum. I use plug in's in my room where the chins are housed and also use a Johnson Wax spray in my room and through out the house when cleaning. I don't spray directly at the chins or on the chins, but yes they are in the rooms where the scents are being used and distributed. I have done this for all of the 6 years I've had chins with no ill effects to them as of yet.
I don't use room sprays but I have used candles in my bedroom before. Mostly scents like lavender, vanilla, camomile, jojoba and mint, and such nothing to perfumey. No I'll effects on any of my animals over the past 6 years...
Thanks for all of the replies. We don't use aerosols in our house at all and I'll be sure if/when I burn a candle or warm oil, I don't do it in his area.
I have burned candles, and use febreeze on the floor and furniture, but never close to my chin's cage. I worry about the chemicals in the products we use, which is why I'm careful about exposing my animals to them. But I was also curious if chins had any sense of smell, and would an ordor that is pleasant for us, be nasty to them?