apple pellets

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
does anyone know what the ingredients are in those apple pellets that I see some people selling? also does anyone know who makes them and where they might sell them? thanks
R they the only ones who carry them cause i thought the ones i remember seeing were darker then that? I wonder if they all have the same ingredients? Hmmm thanks tho
Ya i think she is the one i'm thinking of. I'm wondering if i can pick them up at like a feed store or something. Someone said they were made for horses. Does anyone know? Thanks
If I'm not mistaken they come in a large lb. size when ordered from the feed store.

What is the difference between these and regular apples? From what I read on the website it's just apple pulp with the juice squeezed out. Wouldn't these have just as much sugar as an apple?
Just like giving them dried apple - though pure dried apple is probably safer/healthier. Most of the horse treats have molasses in them as a binder/sweetener.

There's a big difference between processed sugar (molasses) and natural sugars. If you really want to give your chins something healthy and uncontested to chew on go for a hay cube.

If you don't care either way, they like the appleasses the best. (Do not Google that word, **** stuff shows up!) They go bonkers for it - I use it to bait a chin trap, it doesn't go bad and has the best draw of anything I've used.
Hmmm well i dont want to give them anything unsafe.
These do contain molasses on top of the sugar that's already in the apples themselves.

Ingredients: Apple Pomace, Barley, Wheat, Wheat Shorts, Molasses, and Soy Oil.