Appetite differences?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
My chinchilla, Furby has been sick, forever. He is getting better! his weight is 410 grams (He's small but was in the 350s just a few weeks ago) I give him about 20 ccs of critical care a day, just for maintenance, until he gets to a good weight. I give him a small amount of Life Line too. He's been eating on his own. I switched him to PANR because he doesn't seem to like pellets. He doesn't like those either. I give him about a handful, sometimes more of alfalfa hay and he guzzles it down. But for some reason he only eats a few pellets a day, sometimes more or less. Always eats the hay though and a small pinch of rolled oats or half a shreddie. So it isn't his appetite. Can I make them taste better to him?

Should I be a bit concerned? Or do they just have very different appetites. Will be be okay on hay and Critical Care?
Try putting a bit of the lifeline on top of the pellets.

Some chins just like hay more than pellets. I would keep as much hay in his cage as he will consume. He also may not be eating as much because you are hand feeding him and he feels full.
I saw that someone mentioned crushing pellets into a paste or with CC so he gets used to the taste? He often has some hay left over, but he'll pee on it so i have to replace it every day haha. Should I stop hand feeding him?