Anyone make bridges?

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If you really like color, get some food coloring pens and decorate the edges facing out towards you with flowers or something?

I did that with my bridge from Camphor Chins. :) And then someone super awesome made a custom Hello Kitty house that matched perfectly with it. ;)


My girls absolutely love that bridge, I would definitely recommend it.
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Well, after what seems like forever, my girls finally have their bridges! Andrea, from Forever Feisty Chinchilla Rescue, made them and we couldn't be happier. She was awesome to work with. She exceeded my expectations and they are better than I imagined. They fit perfectly and do exactly what I had hoped they would. Her customer service was exceptional! From start to finish, it only took 5 days to get them. Can't beat that! Check her out!:clap1:
Close up of the bridge...

My girls cages...Sterling and Micah on the left and Gizmo, Gadget and Tinker on the right!