Anyone Here Ever Use SpyPig?

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RAF Chins
Feb 1, 2009
Cambria County, PA
I was wondering if anyone's ever used spypig. I just found it, and since I always seem to have issues with my emails reaching their destination it seems as though this may be a good service? It's gotten to the point where, if it's an important email, I put a little "please let me know this was received" disclaimer at the bottom of my emails!

Any thoughts?

P.S.- for anyhow who doesn't know, spy pig attaches to emails (in the body of the text) and when the email is opened it sends you a notice as to when and where the email was received!
There are ways to ensure that spypig doesn't work. Some people feel it is an invasion of privacy.

I've never used spypig, but the way it was explained to me (and hopefully the person explaining it was right), I don't think spypig will work for emails sent to me. I have my email accounts either setup to view only plain text or to not automatically download linked images. If I am correct, Spypig works by you pasting an html link to an image in an email and when the email browser downloads the image to your screen spypig sends an email of notification. If that download never happens, then it never knows that it was read.
Yep, that's correct as far as I read it as well. Though I'm not terribly computer literate for my age group.

It does say there are reasons spypig WOULDN'T work...but, as I said, I'm always wondering whether or not my emails made contact and were read (cause even if they hit their destination sometimes they wind up in spam/bulk).

IDK, just seemed like something neat to track emails. A lot of places have where you can find out if a PM or IM were read, why not emails?
I know with my email, it has a section where I can check a box for "Request Receipt" which then allows the receiver to click that they've received the email.
I use yahoo and, either they don't have that option...or I'm not technologically gifted enough to figure out how to use it :)
Usually it's Outlook and other pc-based email hosts that use the read-receipts. And even those can be blocked or bounced back depending on the receiving computer and settings.
No, my email that I was talking about (as I have about 5 emails) is neither of those.

And I realize it could not work either, was just a suggestion in case she hadn't thought to check if she had that option.