Anyone have a lap chin?

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I had Dylan out for a little bonding time while I worked on my certification for school. I put a towel on my lap to catch any poopies and just plopped him down and went to studying. I had my left arm on my lap with my elbow bent trying to keep him secure. He didn't move at all and just let me love on him and pet him. I was so thrilled. Then I felt him scratching under my arm so I looked down and he plopped his chin on my arm, scooted into my elbow crook, flattened out and went to sleep. :)

He's such a sweet heart. None of my other chins sit still for me to love on them, let alone take a nap on my lap. It was a complete Aww fest.

Anyone else have a chin that loves sitting on your lap and maybe snoozing in your arms?
I have two :)) Diesel and Roo will both dig their heads into the crook of my arm and sleep. Roo will do it pretty much anywhere- he loves to get on my shoulder and snuggle into my neck and sleep. He will also groom my eyebrows and hair.
Tinkerbell refuses to be held, but is sooooo a lap chin. She will just snuggle into my lap for as long as I will have her. I can wrap my arms around her and just big time cuddle with her. It's the best feeling in the world :)
Max used to be more of a lap chin before he discovered that bouncing around the chin room was more fun so I no longer have a lap chin but I do have several 'foot chins' who will sit on my feet for ages: Carlos, Rupert and Buster is just now starting to sit on my feet.




I also have two . . . Tilly will sit on my shoulder for an hour and watch tv with me and Freckles enjoys walking around the room in my arms looking at everything. I take her around to all the pictures and windows and move close enough so she can smell everything haha
Aw cutie! I have one, Ferdinand will leap out of the cage into my lap- I need to hold him in if I'm not sitting yet lol. But he will snuggle in and chirp it's so cute
That is cute. Trixie will sit on my lap on her terms..she will sit for a while, so long as I do not try to touch her or pet her.
The mention of snuggling into the crook of the arm reminds me of the day I brought Trixie home. I needed to finish setting up the cage, so I gave her to my husband to hold. She burrowed right into the crook of his elbow and stayed there untill I was ready to put her into her cage. Wish I had taken a picture.
I have a few cuddlers, they will just be content to sit on me while I work on the computer or read a book. Knitting is not so easy, they love to play with my yarn. But that is always the most relaxing part of my day. I love that they feel safe enough to fall asleep on me. I am definitely an addict.
CJ has become such a sweetie and during his playtime he'd rather jump on my lap than explore and everytime I put him down, he jumps right back up. :))
I have one! He LOVES to sleep on my lap, but it's next to impossible to put him back in cage.
^^ That's definitely an 'oat chin' you have, not a lap chin. I've got seven oat chins, heh.
I have a chin that refuses to go back and wants to cling to me all the time. His name is Berit. I love him very much, he's about 7 now...he's been here forever, but he still needs to be held and loved as much as possible. He's my worst one. I have a few others that I would consider to be lap chins, he's just the one that is a true lap chin. :D
Ya i have a couple too and i agree it is the best feeling ever....such un-conditional love....they are great
Max is definitely a lap chin. When I'm home on the weekends or if I work from home during the week, I'll bring him up to the family room, and he'll just sit in my lap while I work, watch tv, or study. Usually he'll do the "silent purr" thing, and then fall asleep. It's so cute!
I have a lap chin in training. When I open his cage door, Mr. Smee hops into my hands and lets me snuggle him- put him back and he runs to the door to hop out again.