anyone ever heard of a mouse on steroids?? :)

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
well last night i fed up and turned off the light and started watchin tv...after a little while i could hear something behind my tv moving around, i thought it was a mouse..
we live in the country and we get mice often so we put sticky traps in places we know that the tend to go.
well anyways so im like ok whatever ill tell mom in the morning so she can get me a trap, then im about half way asleep and hear it again but this time im like , THERE IS NO WAY THATS A MOUSE!!! this thing sounded HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE lol so im like wait a minute...

i get up and do head counts on all the chins, im missing my black velvet like ok ITS NOT A MOUSE!! so i rushed to get behind my tv stand and got her before she ate some chords, so i figured well maybe it was my fault and i accidently let her sneak out during feeding, so i put her back in and went to bed...

well at about 6 my mom let the dogs in my room after letting them go poddy, well i realized they were going nuts by my tv stand so i lunged out the bed and screamed how do you keep getting out!!! my mom was like wait! whats going on ? and i told her that tink got out the cage last night and she got out again and she was like thats why the dogs went straight over there...

needless to say i have NO ONE else to put her with, she has been in this cage for MONTHS!!!!!!!! and not once has she done this until last night, and with it being her second offense im not taking the chance because i have a cat and 8 boxers!! SHE WONT LIVE TO SEE THE NEXT DAY and i will be very upset! so she is now by herself in a small cage and oh my is she mad lol but she did it to sooooo mad at her lol
lol here is the escape artist :) i feel bad thats she is by herself so shes getting extra attention, i have had her with 2 other females since i brought her home :(


If she can get out of the cage, the other two girls will be able to escape too. Is there a broken latch? You will need to fix the cage otherwise the other girls will eventually find their way out also.
If she can get out of the cage, the other two girls will be able to escape too. Is there a broken latch? You will need to fix the cage otherwise the other girls will eventually find their way out also.

there is nothing broken, she is smaller and younger than the other 2.thats why she got out
You need to be exceptionally careful about her getting out, especially with those disgustingly cruel sticky traps. I hate those things. I used one once and was in hysterics trying to pull a mouse off when it got caught in it and was screaming while it suffociated to death. I would rather risk a broken paw in a snap trap than a face being burried in that nastiness and your chin suffocating because you can't get her loose.
You need to be exceptionally careful about her getting out, especially with those disgustingly cruel sticky traps. I hate those things. I used one once and was in hysterics trying to pull a mouse off when it got caught in it and was screaming while it suffociated to death. I would rather risk a broken paw in a snap trap than a face being burried in that nastiness and your chin suffocating because you can't get her loose.

i dont have any mouse traps in my room, i said that i was going to put one in there the next morning because i thought there was a mouse in my room, but i did a head count and it was a chin...
You also said that you throw them out when there are mice. Since your mom had to open a door to let the dogs in, unless they went through a keyhole, that was a prime opportunity for a chin to escape. Or, how about you leaving the door open to go to the bathroom or to the kitchen? You didn't even know the chin was out at first. You also stated you were going to put one in your room because you thought there was a mouse. Sticky traps have no place in a house with caged animals, I'm sorry. They are just too dangerous.
how can a chin get out of a cage if the locks are not broken? what kind of cage is it? is there a trap door or something? sorry for all the questions, i just dont understand how a chin that appears to be a good size can get out of a cage.
dont get me wrong, my chins have escaped before but that was carelessness or illness on my part, but now every night before i go to bed and check each cage and each lock.
I had a Gpig in a (I guess) Superpet cage in the living room. It had the type of side walls that were connected to the roof which clipped into the side wall next to it. One night I was home alone playing with a kitten, I went into the next room for a few minutes and when I came back the kitten was inside the cage!! OMG I thought there was some intruder or ghost or something. Turned out the kitten had pushed on the side wall of the cage, the wall swung upwards from the bottom and she pushed her way inside the cage :rofl:
i did find the problem, the cage has little doors on the side of it maybe 6 of them, well 1 of them opens from the bottom and somehow she must have pushed it open, because you cant see that its open unless you check it, so i made sure she cant get it open anymore and she is back with her sissies again :)
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Sounds like you need a better cage, or cages. Glad you found her before something bad happened, though. There's no heartbreak quite like knowing you allowed one of your pets to injure/kill another one of your pets b/c of faulty housing. (Lost a fish that way once, and only once, to a cat. Now, all my tanks/cages lock securely.
i have 2 ferret nations and a super pet cage the super pet cage is the one with the trap doors,i tied it up on both sides, i think somehow it got unlatched she found it got out, remembered it was there , got out again and i busted her trying to get back out when i tied the door on both sides lol she kept pushing against it i was like, YOU ARE SOOOO BUSTED lol
when i first got one of my chins, he was in a cage that i had to use those zip ties to hold one side of it together. glad you got it worked out and thanks for may help someone else who has a similar cage1
when i first got one of my chins, he was in a cage that i had to use those zip ties to hold one side of it together. glad you got it worked out and thanks for may help someone else who has a similar cage1

yw, i never imagined that they would be able to push that door open, and it just is scary because i didnt even know it was open because of the way it opens , here is a pic of the cage

yes I've had near breaks from a cage with latches very similar- these guys are too dang smart! For me it helped to push the top part of the latch under another rung- hard to explain it was told to me from a person on here so I'll try and find how they explained!
I have a cage like that and one morning I found a chin running upstairs in my bathroom. Seems she somehow pushed the door opened, ran thru 3 rooms and up the stairs, thru a hall into the bathroom - shocked the heck out of my hubbie who was sitting on the throne. The doors now have a clip on them to prevent them from being pushed opened. Some chins are sneaky little buggars and can figure a lot of things out - like how to open doors that you would never figure they could open