Anyone else pacing the floor??

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One of mine popped 2 weeks ago (my first set of triplets - what a nightmare it has been)! My chin the size of Texas still going strong, thought she would have delivered 5 days ago - but hey, what do I know! Another one due in 2 weeks.

I am due for a break after that (I think)!
Oh trips are the worst it seems! three's a crowd I guess! This was 2/3 I am expecting. I don't think this third girl will go for several more weeks though.
I hope you haven't taken all the pink white female juju!

Both my girls are still cooking. At this point I hope they at least wait until after the Shindig so my poor chin sitter doesn't have a heart attack.
Alicyn, I am with you on the PW juju, I have my PW Champion in breeding now and all signs are positive that she has bred (keeping my fingers crossed for my first PW too)!

In the meantime, the triplets are keeping me busy, here is a picture of two of them with mom, snacking on hay while mom, Piper, has her nose stuck in their dry mix (what's wrong with this picture)? the third one is currently rotated out. I am handfeeding all 3 but rotating 1 out every 2 hours as when they are all 3 in with mom she gets stressed out and there is some fighting. Two seems to be the magic number and mom has already put back on quite a bit of weight.

The other two pics are of my RGS from NC, Pixie, she is a beautiful sweet chin!


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Okay, feeling like the last person picked to be on the dodgeball team!

One of my girls popped sunday after the shindig, uneventful (our petsitter didn't even notice) darling little standard girl.

Suzie is due today and NOTHING! Any bets when her kit(s) will grace us with their presence!? She's bred to my Champion Pink White male, and had a cutie-patootie little pink white male 111 days ago. Ughhhhh the waiting!
I am still waiting with you Alicyn. My BV, Jet will be at 111 tomorrow and has been laying on her side for weeks. I am betting on 8/17 so I will guess your date to be the same to keep it easy!!! Hope mine pops first though! :)
I have a girl that is due any day now. She never acts or looks like she is pregnant and always gives me triplets or quads. The only way I know she is pregnant is to watch her weight, she hides a 200 gram increase very well and she is normally a 750 gram chinchilla.
Okay, feeling like the last person picked to be on the dodgeball team!

One of my girls popped sunday after the shindig, uneventful (our petsitter didn't even notice) darling little standard girl.

Suzie is due today and NOTHING! Any bets when her kit(s) will grace us with their presence!? She's bred to my Champion Pink White male, and had a cutie-patootie little pink white male 111 days ago. Ughhhhh the waiting!

LOL dodgeball. All mine popped so i am going to go with tomorrow night if she gets a dust bath today. So give her a dust bath.
Juanita should be a fortune teller!

So far 1 standard male, and 1 "light colored" female! Still wet, so mom isn't sure whether it's beige or pink white. I have yet to get any white mosaics (no beige) from this male (PW) or his father (mosaic) - weird!

Yayayayayay! Now my waiting is pretty much over for a few months!
Should I name him Dumbo???

Alicyn -you are correct, I SHOULD be a fortune teller!!!

I went Krogering this morning (had to stock up on more goats milk for my 3 little piggies)and came home to my first Black Velvet baby born here!

So far Jet has given birth to one BV male, weight is 54 gms. Take a gander at those ears - I have never seen ears like this on a newborn chinchilla - makes him look like Dumbo the elephant!

Had to take a picture of them before they start to lay down or fill out. Anyone else have a newborn kit with ears sticking up and out like this?


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Jet just had bouncing baby boy number 2, a standard. I'll be darned if he desn't have the same ears!!!

This is her 3rd litter for me and none of her previous babies had ears like this. They are hilarious!

So far if she has no more (please God!!!), I am thinking they are Milo and Otis!
Yep, most of my big, wet babies have ears like that. They aren't quite as noticeable once they fluff up and fill out. ;)

Congrats to both of you on the babies! Can't wait to see more pictures! I've got five females with solid kicks that I'm waiting on here and then about 4-5 more that are feeling pregnant, but can't feel kicks yet. September to October should be the busy time for me. :D
I am pretty sure that I now have the next month off from baby watch - you never know, one can always surprise you so I do daily cage checks on everyone.

Depepnding on how aggressive my new males are with my new females (6 new males and 13 new females) - October/November should be hopping around here again!