Anyone else have cnq withdrawal?

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I kept checking every couple hours, then tell myself to just be patient and wait a few days. Yea right, more like a few minutes until I tried again! :D
I missed CnQ for research! I didn't post much, but I loved reading the older posts for whatever hypothetical question or concern I had.
I missed lusting over the for sale threads, but otherwise most people could be tracked down on the other forums I go to.
Nice to have everyone back in one location though!!
I missed CnQ for research! I didn't post much, but I loved reading the older posts for whatever hypothetical question or concern I had.

Thats how I am too. It is still weird being here for me because there isn't the miles and miles and miles of old threads that I can refer back to.
I still had NN to fall back on, which I'm a regular on anyhow, but yes there was some withdrawls! I most of all missed the wealth of info that has been shared, and not having access to look up stuff.
I checked everyday. But I just thought it was my computer hating me again. I'm glad we have everything up and running.
When I first got the Account Suspended I thought it was me, until I read a yahoo question and responded to it lol. Then I checked daily to see if it was up and running. Glad to see you all XD.
I do know i was!! I keep in contact with a breeder i got one of my chins from C&Q and freaked out when it wouldn't let me on to update them. And I couldn't look at the supplies that was for sale it was horrible i tell ya!
Oh my gosh, I had just started posting on the old CnQ for about 2 weeks and at first thought it was me but then I must have posted a bunch of questions on Yahoo Answers, which a few people answered and one directed me to facebook and then here. But to answer your question - yes, major withdrawals :(
Withdrawal wasn't even the word for it. Apparently I was a full fledged addict.

LOL!! That was me to a T! I must have checked like every 20 minutes on the first day it went down, to see if it's come back up...and then several times a day after that.. ya a little addicted...
It got so bad even my mom was checking periodically for me. But now that this is here, I almost think it's worse because I find myself constantly checking to see if anything is new here. Think I'm on now more than before.
I am SOOOO glad to be back on here :)

I am pretty sure that I was checking 5-6 times every day just hoping that it would be back up. I would check the CnQ facebook group too to see if there was any news about it.
Hey everyone! I know I was checking everyday, then stopped checking for a couple of days and then *poof* it was back!
