Any way you can tell my chin's color?

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I got my chinchilla from a girl off of craigslist that called herself a breeder, but she didn't really sound like she really knew what she was talking about genetics-wise, or if she understood them at all. She was calling and spelling a hetero beige 'hetro' for instance, and she didn't know that it meant heterozygous. I didn't care about the color of my chin so I got him any way, and I still don't, but it would be nice to know. =) Is there any way to tell? I have pictures, but I was under the impression that you couldn't really tell from looking at a chin. For the heck of it though, here's the pics. =) Oh, by the way, his parents were supposedly a hetero beige dam and an ebony mosaic sire. I was never told if the sire was **** or hetero. My chin is supposed to be an ebony mosaic as well and he will be two in March.

Oh yeah, hope this is the right section for a color genetics question? I'm new and I wasn't sure...
That is a mosaic. No question about it.

He could carry ebony. The only way to know for sure without breeding it is if he has ebony on the belly.
So a standard mosaic wouldn't have color on it's belly? He doesn't appear to have any color on his belly. Would that make him an ebony carrier?
He would be a white ebony if he had markings on his belly - but since he doesn't, the only other way to know for sure he is a white ebony or if he carries ebony would be to breed him and produce an ebony kit. All we can tell you from the pictures is that he is a white.
I understand, thanks for the help! And he is cute, thanks. =) I love the little guy he's so sweet.
I knew he was mosaic, I just didn't know if he was standard or ebony. Thank you very much. I love him, he's adorable. =)