Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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Feb 28, 2018
Hi all. There’s so much knowledge on here I’m looking for any advice or help with my little guy. I had posted a couple months back about chalupa. He ended having a tooth trim but never ended up going back to his pellets and hay. He remained on critical care but took to it very well where I didn’t have to force him. The vet thought maybe he had gotten picky because he would eat treats as well and gained all his weight back plus some. Fast forward 3 months.. 2 weeks ago chalupa got a nasty eye infection and the vet gave us oral antibiotics, eye drops and pain meds. The eye cleared up great. At the end of the medication chalupa appetite for the critical decreased. We went back to the vet. We were given gut mobility meds, probiotics, vitamin b shot and told to do tummy rubs. The first 3 days he did great picked up his appetite but now it’s went away again. He has had droppings. Today is day 4 of not eating the critical care. Last night I called the vet and we made a game plan to bring him in today for another vitamin b shot and if he’s not better by Thursday to do blood work, X-rays ect. Last night I was desperate to get something in him and could only manage to force 8 ml in with a one ml syringe. I feel so defeated. Today he keeps coming up to the cage to me as if he wants something but will no take any food when I try to offer it. Please help me help my little love! He means so much to me! Any advice Is appreciated! Thank you all.
Is he not eating ANY solid foods? No pellets, hay, etc.?
Any updates on his condition?

Did they re-check his teeth? If he was eating only Critical Care for a few months, his teeth are probably badly overgrown. Teeth overgrow quickly if they don't eat solid food. (My own chinchilla just had his teeth re-trimmed today after a too-slow-transition back to solid food).

Pain meds might help if discomfort is contributing to his inappetence.

Hang in there! I'm struggling with a sickly chin, too. You aren't alone.
I do have an update on chalupa. I asked the vet to preform the X-rays last night because I was getting increasingly worried about him. The X-rays showed the intestines were enlarged (gi tract slowing down) and they were pushed all up to the top. The doctor said there was lack of definition in the abdomen. We are worried there is a mass in the abdomen causing this. Chalupa was admitted to the hospital and will have a ultrasound to get more information. I’m absolutely devestated. I’m not ready to let go of my little guy. Praying for the best!
I'm keeping you and Chalupa in my thoughts.

Motility drugs and stomach massages can help when the gut has stopped moving. There are other forum members with a lot of hands-on experience with this issue who can guide you. I haven't had this (gut stasis) happen yet, so I'm sorry that I can't assist you more.

But don't give up hope! Other chinchillas on this forum have survived this condition once they received the right meds and a lot of supportive care (i.e. massages).
CWilson: Do you mind if I ask where you are located and who is providing vet care?

It sounds like Chalupa is in very good hands (both your own and the vet's) and that the vet has a lot of technology available at their clinic. It might help other chin owners who live in your area if they need veterinary care.
Thank you Luciole! Another update: no mass was found. They did think the kidneys looked abnormal and are going to test for kidney disease. The vet said he is still in stasis but is very please he had 15 perfect chinchilla poops today. We are still in the fight!

My vet is located in Bethlehem, PA and is called Weights animal hospital. They have several exotic vets there.
I just sent you a message, but will post here too. I need to say that you should not feed vitakraft dandelion drops – if you check nutritional info, you will see that the main ingredient is sugar. You can try offering alfalfa hay or grinding alfalfa leaves in a coffee grinder and mixing with warm water to get some fiber into him.

I would recommend Essentials for Life hand feeding formula: it optimizes animals' healing efforts, normalizes digestion, stimulates appetite, and chins love it! Chins-n-hedgies member posted a video about his chin, Houdini, and EFL on youtube: The only thing is that we will be closing the store tomorrow for about 10 days due to farm work, so if you’d like to place an order, please place it today or tomorrow at the latest.

You can also try mixing some activated charcoal with a hand feeding formula (you can purchase it at your local pharmacy; it is very safe). Charcoal will adsorb toxins present in the gastrointestinal tract and will reduce bloating. Probiotics can help as well.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery :)

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my sweet Chalupa. The tests came back he had kidney disease. The not eating and then stasis was all caused by this. I am beyond heart broken. I loved him so dearly.
Thank you everyone for all of the kind words and responses trying to help chalupa. I will miss him forever.
Oh no! Poor little Chalupa. I am so sorry. I know how hard this is as so many of us here have lost little ones, too. Hang in there.