antibiotics question

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
My chin was diagnosed last month with a mouth infection and was giving that pink stuff (tri meth something).
After taking him to get xrays they diagnosed with malo w/severely infected mouth and gave baytril.

just wondering is the pink stuff a general antibiotic sorta like humans amoxicillian and the baytril is a stronger stuff like zithromax?

Why one over the other?
TMZ is Sulfa. It's a good broad spectrum antibiotics for most things, but when it's a heavy duty infection, they bring out the big guns, Baytril.

PS - I don't consider Zithromax to be strong, and most of the time it doesn't do anything for me.
the big problem with Baytril is that is upsets their stomach and leaves a 'bad' taste in their mouth unless you use injectable baytril. Chins often have to be hand feed for a while using baytril (by mouth). They hate the taste so much they refuse to eat
yeah and dummy me just read the bottle today and i was only supposed to give it to him ONCE a day and the other 2 meds twice a day BUT ive been giving it to him twice a day. No wonder he isnt eating. I text the Dr today and she said it wouldnt hurt him but to bump up the cisapride to every 6 - 8 hours.