ANother question re smells in the room

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I am wondering if maybe MrSnootz is reacting to the smell of the ferrets on my clothing or in the room. THe ferrets (I have 8, 4 live in my room at the toher end of the room) are let out to play in my room for an hour at 7 each night and of course I handle them.I wash my hands but thier smells would be on my clothing but then again wouldnt that smell become part of the me that MrSnootz will get used to or should I be changing my shirt between ferrets and MrSnootz?
Its jsut a thought but maybe thats why he is so slow to uncurl? What do you all experianced people think?
Hedgehogs are prey animals... the kind that worry about being eaten by others. Ferrets are on the opposite end of the spectrum... they're the kind who would eat others.

Your hedgie is very wise to be wary of the ferrets. I don't think I'd uncurl either. Is there more you can do to separate MrSnootz from the ferrets?
Ferrets and any prey animal in the same room do not mix. He needs to be somewhere away from the ferret smell.
Talking about prey and predator animals - the warmest room in my house is in the "reptile room". The temps are kept between 72-80 degrees with a oil-filled radiator heater. I recently got my hedgehogs and have moved them into that room. They are on a top shelf above all the snakes and lizards. I haven't noticed any negative change in their behavior - in fact every night they have been getting more and more social with me and more active on their wheels! BUT is this going to be bad for them?? All the reptiles enclosures are locked. Thanks!