Another chin!

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I haven't posted since I adopted the the four chins from a coworker of mine, but now I have yet another little chin! He is a beige male, and the SWEETEST thing ever! A woman was in the store I work in ranting and raving because we wouldn't buy her chinchilla off of her (we don't sell animals, we only do SPCA cats). Apparently it was very mean and an absolutely horrible pet and she didn't want it anymore. So... I talked to her and she let the little guy come home with me. Now, I have no idea how she could consider him mean in the least, he has to be the sweetest and calmest chin I have ever met! I thought my Elaina was a nice chin, but this guy LOVES people and LOVES to be handled and get attention. His coat is in absolutely HORRIBLE shape, I'm not sure he has had a dust bath ever. He is 5-6 months old she said, and his coat is just so clumpy and chunky. I gave him a dust bath when I got him home last night, but he mostly just sat in there and didn't do much... bathing.... Anyway, I'll post pictures of him when I let him out to run around tomorrow. I have him in a separate room than the others for a quarantine, and I can't wait to introduce him to to the other boys!
Hopefully the poor thing isn't sick and that is why he is so calm. Chins at that age should be jumping all over. Glad you could take him. Poor baby. At least he will have a good home now
I'd be curious to see how his personality comes out after a month in a new home.
Often chins are so weirded out by a change in homes that at first they appear much more calm than normal (kind of like shock).
At any rate, I hope your new little guy ends up being as sweet as you think he is. ;)
Awww. Sounds like a lack of understanding her chin. Or in this persons case I would assume animals were never meant to be part of her lifestyle. :hair:

Animals deserve a good quality of life. They need love, attention, clean environment, a stress free surrounding and abundance of good clean food, water. And the need for fresh air and sunlight.

I think most blockheads out there just don't "get it." And blockhead is not the word I really would like to call them.

I know we can't save them all. I find myself always saying prayers for those left behind and forgotten. I'm glad you took the little one in. It really is amazing how fast they come around with compassionate care. I've found this to be true not only in the chin but big animals as well. Over the years I've helped out birds, turtles, horses, a hawk, ect. Animals seem to know which of us are gifted with the tallents of compassion. And they respond very quickly. It really is a warm fuzzy. Show us some pictures. We don't care how bad your new chin looks. I enjoy seeing how they progress and to view the looks on their faces with contentment and happiness. Congrats.