another breeding question

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Active member
Jan 2, 2011
Will a male try and breed a female if she is already pregnant?

Ive got a chance to get another pair of chins. Im going to seperate them and pair them up with my other chins in male/male and girl/girl pairs,(since I seperated mine to prevent more babies) but I was wondering that if she was already pregnant, I could leave them together and take my time a bit on building their new cage.

This new pair has been together for a while and have had one litter of babies. The owner said she saw them mating after the birth of the babies, but not since. I asked her to seperate them and she did for a couple days, but then put them back together and the girl chases the boy around the cage. She says she doesnt have room for another cage and the one she put him in was realy tiny. (The babies didnt make it by the way. She said they were both still born. I didnt see them, so I dont realy know if that is true or not)

If she is pregnant, Ive got homes for the babies when they are ready..and if they live.

I will first say, please please do not count on this new pair being successfully split up and living with the already split up chins. Chins dont automatically get along just because they happen to be the same sex.

Since you separated your other pair, and say you want no more babies, then this new pair should be separated just in case the female in question is not already pregnant. If she isnt pregnant than she needs to remain that way, and the only way to insure this is her in her own cage.

If she is already pregnant, please get the date of mating from the owner and count the days.

I think if you are very seriously interested in owning this other pair, two cages should be built, and quite soon.
If she's pregnant, I'd hold off on trying to bond her w/ your female until after the kits are born. Pregnant and just delivered females can be unpredictable, and she'll probably want to protect her babies from *everything*, including your female. Fights between adults can kill kits. :(
You need to seperate them immediately - you have no idea when the due date could be if she is pregnant (most likely its a breedback) and if you leave him in and surprise, she has the kits while he's in there that means a second breedback which is quite dangerous. Multiple back to back pregnancies is extremely taxing on the female's body. Agreed that I would not introduce the family until pregnancy is confirmed or ruled out. You need to be prepared for them to never get along which would mean 4 seperate cages, plus you will need a weaning cage if she has male kits.

ETA - OP needs to get the "mating date" from the original owner, but you need to count a full 111 days from the date of seperation to completely rule out pregnancy.
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Thanks for the information.. I am going to be counting from the date she gave birth before the owner removed the male.. Im not picking them up for another 2 weeks, so unless I can convince her to seperate them again......
So, are the chances realy high that she got pregant right away??

My husband is going to have a hay day building cages.. LOL.
Yes the chances are extremely high - females go into heat the days leading up to, during and after birth. You need to count from the day she gave birth and also from the day they are seperated. If she gets pregnant on the day you seperate them you won't be prepared.

I would be sure to read the breeding and babies FAQ and see about locating a mentor in your area in case you need help/advice.