anger issues at the moment??

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usually louie takes a minute to come out and play but after he's out and alone with me. hes great and plays and has fun. but tonight i took him out and it seemed like everytime i even thought about touching him he curled up. huffed. and like jumped at me. he's only about 7-8 weeks old. so he's quilling. think his skin is just irritated from the new quills and didnt enjoy me touching it right now. i put some vegtable on his skin with a syringe type thing but with a tube on top like my breeder told me. you guys think thats why he didnt enjoy me touching him? he wanted aboslutly nothing to do with me tonight but on a normal night he loves to be held and played with.:cry3:
Some hedgehogs as they quill will become real grouches. There isn't much you can do about that, but you will need to still interact with him. Continue to take him out of his cage and spend time with him. When I had one that was really grouchy from quilling, I avoided touching his back. It helped a lot as I wasn't causing him any additional discomfort but we still spent time together.