Yes, shipping is expensive.... and my chins do not like mini-bales. I buy 5 lb or 10 lb. Just several days ago I got hay from APD. I was supposed to receive mountain grass, they accidently sent me timothy second cut! But I got lucky as I am keeping timothy and my mountain grass has shipped too!
Second cut timothy is soft, can not say that my chins are crazy about it. The only hay that they devour is mountain grass. I got mountain grass mini-bale with timothy ( it was special) and what do you think.... my crazy chins will not touch it! They only like it when it comes in 5 or 10 lbs.
Tomorrow I should get hay form Sierra Valley. It's a mix alfalfa+ grass hays. I never bought from them before. I can let you know how chins like it .I decided to try it because they only planted alfalfa and grass hays grow wild+some dandelions. They say that small animals really like this flavorful hay.
Michelle, if you can wait till the end of the week I can send you samples of APD timothy second cut, mountain grass ( I'll get it on Friday) and Sierra Valley flavorful hay wild grasses+alfalfa (I'll get it tomorrow). It's really not a problem for me. This way you can find out what your chinnies really like before you spend money.
I tried MANY different brands, I even tried hays from Europe and I can tell that from grass hays, the only hay that my 3 chins REALLY love is APD's mountain grass, and not mini-bale).
My chins get mountain grass every day and I rotate other 8 hays. They like when they get something new.
Pic form Sierra Valley hay