Am I Ready? [Sorry for all of the threads!]

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Thanks, chinchatcomics. Good advice!
I was planning on giving a treat every other day or so. I was thinking of plain shredded wheat or rose hips..
Something that may help the temp of your bathroom is to change the lightbulbs. Our bathroom/chin play area would get on the warm side also and we switched the lightbulbs to the new squiggle kind- more energy efficient and they don't heat up the room.
I would also agree that your parents need to completely understand everything about chinchilla care also- please have them read this forum as well. My daughter is 14 and while Annabelle is primarily her pet, I understand that as a parent, the responsibility is ultimately mine.
Thanks. I am going to have my parents register on here and to read all the forums and FAQs so they know as much about chins as possible.
How long have you and your daughter had Annabelle for, Dusty Foot Prints?
We are coming up on our one year Chinniversary, on Sept. 11. It has been a great experience and our entire family has enjoyed Annabelle so much. We are hoping to get her a sister sometime in the future.
I am trying to find a good scale, but I can't find any small scales that weigh grams. Any suggestions?

I just weigh my chin with my food scale. I bought mine at Walmart, for food purposes, but now it has a dual purpose (just have to clean it really good). If you get the digital kind then they are like $30 I believe. Mine is pink (with a glass top) and has ounces and grams. I wouldn't suggest the kind that have a round clear glass top that lays on a small black circle thing, as I had one and the glass came off, making the scale no longer accurate. I'd buy a scale with the glass directly over the whole scale (not raised in the air). Good luck!