Alternative to bag balm/fungus question

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2011
I´ve seen in some posts that bag balm is recommended for dry chin feet but we dont have that in my country (I´m not even quite sure what it is, lol!) so I was wondering what natural substances can be applied to their feet to help with dryness. I noticed yesterday that Silver looks very dry around the heels with the peeley white looks that my own heels get if they get too dry (good, since I was worried about it being some kind of fungus at first but i´m pretty sure it´s just very dry feet) Would pure aloe or beeswax work ok? I am a bit worried about what to use since it can be very hard to find 100% organic products around here but I think I have a 100% pure beeswax lip balm SOMEWHERE in my messy house. How often should I apply as well, once I find the right product?

On a sidenote, did anybody have any photos of a fungal problem in chins so I know what to look out for?
Fungus often shows up first around the nose/mouth or eyes but will cause hair loss and a scaly appearance.

For dry feet, a vitamin E capsule can be pierced and the contents rubbed into the feet. This can be done on the ears as well but I would only do it for a chin with severely dry skin. Some dryness on the ears and feet are normal. If the feet are cracking/bleeding, then care must be taken to prevent infection by using an antiseptic or foot soaks as well as constant sanitizing of the cage and shelves.
Cheers, thanks for that.

I might pop on down to the pharmacy and see if they stock them, his heels are looking pretty dry but ears are fine.

I only noticed it yesterday and the past week we have had a pretty drastic drop in humidity and temperature, the chin room is stable but I think it would have something to do with the air being much more dry.