Alright to freeze feed and hay cubes ?

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Due to good prices, I over stocked on Mazuri feed and hay cubes - Will nutrient value remain the same if I freeze ? Thank You, Grace
Nutrients fade with time regardless of freezing. Keeping them in a well ventilated box or paper bag in a cool (50 degrees or less) area will keep them just as long.
And freezing them adds moisture which in not a good thing, especially with the hay. Moldy hay will kill a chinchilla.
Yeah, that condensate that can build up is not good for the feed and you can get moldy spots. Sealing everything up airtight in a place that has a pretty constant temp would be best. It's really best to buy only as much pellets as you are going to use in maybe 2 to 3 months at one time...that way you won't have to worry about freezing it or having it go bad. (Just in the future...)

Hay does fine for months at room temperature. I agree with Tara, don't keep it air tight - letting it breathe would be best.

For right now...put the pellets in a sealed container and keep them in a cool area (like Tara said, LOL). They should keep for quite awhile that way and a nice cool spot should be easy to find this time of year. :) I store my food in a place where it never gets above maybe 65°F in the summer and it's in the 50s in the winter.
Thank You, Will not freeze.
I have enough food for approx 4 months - Timothy and Alfalfa cubes probably longer (I also feed bagged Oxbow Timothy & Orchard grass) - Problem, storing 50 degrees or less ? I live in Texas - We can be 35 degrees at night, 80 degrees daytime ! I do keep my food supplies in a large "Tupperware" type container. (Smiles, Love the way it smells when I open it up). Next time, I will not order so much, Thank you for your input - Another lesson learned :) Sincerely, Grace
Watch your chinny, when you see them picking up a piece of food then tossing it (they do this all the time, but when you see it a lot) you will know it's stale to them, and time to get fresh food. 4 months may be a bit too much.
Mine tends to go stale between 3-4 months from the mill date. They eat less and make a big mess like mentioned.

I live in Louisiana, haven't had an issue with feed. I don't imagine you leave yours outdoors? It'll stay whatever temp you have your house at. :))
Dear Spoof,
Chins and feed are kept inside at 70 degrees - Best, Grace
I do not know much about Mazuri feed but most feeds hold their tagged nutritional value for 6 months or more and then tapper off slowly if stored properly in a cool dry dark environment. A lot of feed dealers will say that the feed is fine for a year or more but it would not be my choice to buy that far ahead regardless of price.