Alone now, after 9 years together and a wedding in the making

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I somethimes feel that he didn't mature as fast as I did. He wants to be in school, have fun spending money in stupid things (like "pimping" our car or his bike), but I tought I would make him some to sense as always. He was (still) a impulsive guy and didn't think much before doing anything (Everyone was pretty sure he has ADD).
Oh I swear that's most men in general. when my fiance has money, it's "Oh I want a new stereo system" "Oh I want a GPS" "Oh man, I'd love to get some nice rims to go on the truck" and I always have to be the voice of 'reason' (More like the party pooper) and say "Aren't you worried about rent?" "What about the cable bill? Groceries? Water bill? Electric bill? Gas for your truck?" to snap him out of it. Me, my money goes towards the chins, almost every single time. I think it's very natural that women mature sooner. Even my dentist said girls always get their wisdom teeth first so that means they're mature faster (Woman dentist, teehees.) So don't feel bad about wanting to settle down and do right.
The exact reason I'm with a guy 10 years older. It is very hard to be with somebody on their early 20's and feel they have gone through what they need to to feel more settled and more mature.

I know that this is your first serious breakup, but when you find the one, you will be thankful that this happened and allowed you to do that. If I wasn't miserable enough with my ex, I wouldn't be where I am now - and that is the only good thing that came out of it.
Even my dentist said girls always get their wisdom teeth first so that means they're mature faster (Woman dentist, teehees.) So don't feel bad about wanting to settle down and do right.

The funny thing is my dentis told me I'm never ever gonna get wisdom theeth while he (th ex, not the dentis!) got his taken off 3 years ago! I guess I'm the exeption of the rule!
The funny thing is my dentis told me I'm never ever gonna get wisdom theeth while he (th ex, not the dentis!) got his taken off 3 years ago! I guess I'm the exeption of the rule!

I think I got mine cut/pulled (Two were pulled, two were cut out) when I was 15 or 16, I can't remember but it was when Happy Feet first hit DVD.