So, it's been almost 2 years since I've been without chinchillas since my girls died in May of 2008. :cry3: But, I finally broke down, I couldn't be without them any longer, and I've found my way back to them. I had planned to buy a couple from Kryssy on here, but I logged onto craigslist this morning, and saw a post for 2 male chinchillas, and upon looking at the photos, I decided I needed to get them out of there ASAP! The cage she had them in wasnt the worst ever, but it had a small 11" wired wheel, was feeding fiesta mix, and had a bowl full of treats, which I later found out contained raisins, peanuts, cashews, bananas, and some other weird random crap(as if the fiesta mix wasn't enough crap!) She had plastic all over the cage for them to chew on, and some weird bird perch in there for them to chew on. And when I went to see them, I realized they havnt had a bath in a REALLY long time, they're matted, and greasy, and just nasty looking. I took them home immediately. I know I'm in for a long haul with them, and they probably weren't the best to get my foot back into the chinchilla world with, but seeing them broke my heart, and I couldn't leave them there to be tormented by the ladies ginormous cat and dog. So, I brought them home! They are way over weight, both have rolls, and she said they're between 1 and 2 years old. *sigh* Hopefully, they lose a little weight. I didn't bother transitioning them to mazuri, I just took out the fiesta and put in the mazuri, and threw away the fiesta mix. I figured they'd probably just pick out the crap from the fiesta mix anyways, so best to just get them started on mazuri. They seem friendly enough, and curious too. They keep coming up to the bars of the cage and peeking out. I went and got them some lava bites and a new water bottle that they can't chew, and some good hay, and mazuri just to get them started. They came with the names Cocoa and Pepsi, but I'm changing them, I just don't know to what yet. But! Just thought I'd let everyone know...I'm baaaccckkkk :neener: