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I think a bath is an understatement, if that chin is a year old it has been shorted about 365 baths. Sorry to go off topic but like always I'm not one to sugar coat things. That animals looks like a 10 year old female who has just had her 4th breedback litter without a break. I hope it is just from excessive handling.....

I got that vibe too, but I thought maybe the cage just made my brain think it was worse than it was. The cage looks a little dirty, possibly rusted from my side of the computer, I have bad vision so I can never tell fully.
I personally handled the chin in question, ealier today, and even checked the back - she just has super coarse fur on her back, and the flash just made her look "fuzzy" - she was clean to me!! And all one color!
I think a bath is an understatement, if that chin is a year old it has been shorted about 365 baths. Sorry to go off topic but like always I'm not one to sugar coat things. That animals looks like a 10 year old female who has just had her 4th breedback litter without a break. I hope it is just from excessive handling.....

She's 13 months, like a said a little over a year, she gets her baths 2x a week she pregnant for the first time and due pretty soon. Don't want to bath her until she has her kits. Then when their 2 weeks, she'll get her bath. She's a sweet girl that likes to be handled.
I got that vibe too, but I thought maybe the cage just made my brain think it was worse than it was. The cage looks a little dirty, possibly rusted from my side of the computer, I have bad vision so I can never tell fully.

I wasn't going to go there, but yeah. I am a little worried that there is breeding going on when there is questioning as to the color of the chin. I am not trying to be mean in anyway, but if she is being questioned as being albino, I pray that you have done some studying into chin genetics and are aware of lethal factors, etc.
I'm not going to comment on dust bathing or the cleanliness of the cage, as those have already been commented on, but I am going to tell you to either replace that wood before the kits are born, or move that chin to another cage. Beside that wood with the huge spacing in the bars, you are just looking for a foot to get stuck and have either the baby or the mom get seriously injured.
A homo beige pink white most likely would have more yellow to her, it looks like a regular pink white to me! If you have her in breeding, you would know if she were a homo or hetero by what her kits looked like- what do your breeding records say about her previous kits?
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