Air Purifiers?

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I would like to know if anyone's had any experiences with air purifiers good or bad.

We're considering on because my husband has issues with dust and such ( one of the reasons my house chins are being rehomed as I don't think they'll get as much attention in the chin unit as they have in the office ).

I've looked online and read mixed reviews so I thought since most you you guys have other pets and such I could get some good input. If you have or had one good or bad please let me know that brand and such as well.

I have one. I think it's Hunter Air purifier or something like that. It caught a lot of dander in the air, but I've been lazy about using it, so shows ya how much I know about it! It was OK.
My neighbor has breathing problems and lots and lots of birds. She has a Honeywell and swears by it. I'm probably not much help, but I tried. :)
Between my allergies and asthma, I have to have mine on all the time. I have one in the chin room, and one in my living room for the rest of the house.

They are amazing. I couldn't have my chins at all if I didn't have them. Mine are Honeywell, too.
Another Honeywell here....I run it on "quiet" constantly and up it to the higher levels when I dust and the rest of the day afterwards. I just had to change the pre-filter the other day and couldn't believe all the chin hair and dust in that thing! It does a really good job. Without it my boyfriend and I would be allergy messes.
Adding to the list of Honeywell HEPA filters... I've had mine for... geez... about a decade now.

I notice it takes smoke out of the air pretty well - fireplace, cigarette, and "oops, I just burned something in the kitchen" varieties. Also made it possible for me to move into an apartment where a cat had been living before I moved in. Of course, I could only stay in that one room where I had the filter running until I'd vacuumed the carpeting and wiped the walls a couple dozen times.

So, yeah, they're pretty amazing. No complaints.