Air Purifiers

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
My boyfriend has developed some pretty bad allergies to the chins, so I'm looking into buying an air purifier that isn't too horribly expensive but will get the job done. Do any of you have any suggestions on a good brand or type? We are in a 765 sq. ft apartment, but they are in the dining room which is essentially part of the living room, so I don't need one that is too heavy duty but something large enough to work.
eh..just trade in the boyfriend LOL...all kidding aside I have seen them at walmart for very reasonable prices
LOL Kristy I have considered it :p But he does help with rent and I'm tired of hearing him whine about a sniffly nose! :laughitup:

I just went to Home Depot to scope some out and found one for $140 that seems to be pretty good, takes out most common allergies (including dust, pet hair, pollen, etc.) and it's for medium sized rooms so it should get the job done. The brand is Honeywell, and it's a HEPA allergen remover. I'll probably go back later and buy that one if no one else has any better suggestions.
I got a very nice one at Walmart for $100. They had about 5 different ones.

We got a Honeywell for Christmas last year. We saw some at the store that were Ionic Breeze knock-offs that seemed really nice quality and asked for those. But, we got the Honeywell, the buyer not realizing that the knock-off ones we saw were not the fan-type and the Honeywell is. We can't run it when we are home, it is SO loud. It is basically a giant fan, it sucks air in through the sides, through the filter, and then out the top. It sounds like a vacuum, so when we do run it, which is rarely, it is when we are not home. My boyfriend also has allergies, which is why we wanted one, but I still would prefer the kind that don't blow air around.
I've tried a few different brands since we bought our first air purifier in 1999. The best 2 I have right now are the Honeywell 50250 and the Honeywell 18155 SilentComfort. Set at medium the 18155 is pretty quiet for an air purifier. They both do a good job for allergy sufferers in this household.
Does the boyfriend take anything for it? I made my husband go to the doc and he had to try a few to get the right one, but it has made a huge difference to try a prescription one. We tried zytrec over the counter but it didn't help at all. I am hoping to get a hepa one soon and see if it helps, but I haven't looked at them much.