Air fresheners?

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This is probably a silly question but can you use air fresheners or candles around chin?
i do use candles but not right next to their cage. i also have those renuzit gel things in the rooms the chins are. But I do not spray any air freshners near them at all.
Be careful with the sprays and things, they aren't good for anything with lungs and especially not for the chins. Scented candles away from the chins are okay, but not right next to the cage. LOL A candle near the cage could be a fire hazard...the chin could throw some hay in there and poof!

Be very careful with spraying anything in the air, there's a lot of not so great stuff in the aerosols and other sprays.
Our chins are in the living room of our apartment and when we cook at night, the smoke from the burners sometimes fills the apartment. We always make sure to open the patio door and windows, but are still always worried about it affecting the chins because of the horror stories we have heard about their sensitive lungs. We have heard several reports against using Febreeze. Luckily my wife hates the smell of it anyway.