Air conditioner Temp

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2009
I just purchased a portable A/C for my home. Yay! :dance3:

I have it set up in the main living quarters...where the chinchilla also stays. For those of you that share your living quarters with your chinchilla...what do you set your A/C to? It is currently at 71F and me and the human girls are chilly. LOL!
Put on a fur coat, run around a bit, and set it comfortably - that's how your chin will feel!
I try to keep the room between 65 - 70 by adjusting ductwork outlets and ceiling fans, but you don't have that option - 71 to 73 should be O.K., but the cooler the better!
Well now I feel like a bad mommy. I leave mine set for 74 - 75 on cooler days. I'll kick it down to 71 - 72 when our So Cal summer really kicks in. Keep in mind I do keep an eye on Shell and she seems to be fine with 74. As for the humans being chilly...put on a sweatshirt! :neener: That's what I do to stay warm.
It's been over 90 degrees the past couple of days by me. I have mine set at 70 and as soon as it reaches 71 degrees the a/c kicks in. My girls and I love it at this temp, but the hubby has gotten used to wearing fleece inside the house in the summer.
I keep my place around 68; I would die if my place was 75. But that is just me. I know at 71 I get pink ears from my lighter chins.
I keep my chin room around 68 during the summer. My thermostat is in the living room where there is only one vent. I keep it set to 76, and it keeps my bedroom 68-69 due to their being two vents in there, and one vent in the bathroom off the bedroom (I keep the door open to the bathroom). Works well for all of us. :p The chinnies get to be nice and cool, and I get to be nice and warm in the living room. If I have rescues, which I do right now, they are in my living room, and the thermostat is set to 73, which I have never had a problem with. Luckily all my rescues seem to come from homes that live by the "keep it below 80" crap rule, so the chins are actually cooler at my home even at 73.

I believe the chins in my bedroom would overheat at anything above 72 though because they are used to the cooler temperatures.
Wow, I'm lucky if I can keep my house below 78 during the day, the a/c never shuts off. Sometimes at night I bring them in if it gets down to 75.

I keep the guys in the barn at 75-78 during the summer.
I keep my chin room between 68 and 70. They are in an upstairs bedroom. It is nicer to clean and vacuum in a cooler room... :)
Trixie lives in our living room with us. We have a window AC. During the day, I keep it at about 74, when we are gone. One side of our house is shaded, and we keep the blinds drawn, so it seems to keep the house cool enough for her. We have all the interior doors closed as well. If we are home, we durn it down further, and also have an occilating fan going to circulate the cool air around the room.
What I have been doing since I got hr ganite piece, is keep it in the fridge overnite, then in the morning I put it inside her hidey house where she sleeps.
Today our high was 92*F. I had to run the window unit nonstop from 9 until 3 to keep it under 75* in the room. I try to keep the room about 73 on average to compromise between Crash being comfortable and not killing the mail carrier with the electric bill.
between Crash being comfortable and not killing the mail carrier with the electric bill.
:D Too funny. Mine comes via digital media and my computer almost expired this winter because of it. I don't think the mail lady would've had a chance.

When setting a temperature for your chins it is important to take into consideration your climate and means. I keep mine on the warmer side as it very hot and humid here, if I need to move the chins in an emergency there is less chance they'll go into shock at night. Soon I'll bump the night temperature up as we won't be getting below 80 at 90% humidity.

I have two units in the barn, it is a 11 x 12' room. A 9,000 BTU and a 15,000 BTU. Together they could probably keep it at 72 or lower, but the building would sweat and mold and a/c's will freeze over if they don't cycle off. Right now they compliment each other, at night one drops it to 72 to keep the humidity below 60% and during the day the big one keeps it below 78 with the little one kicking in if it goes above that.

In eastern washington I didn't use an A/C most of the places I lived even though it often got over 100 degrees. It was dry and the nights cooled to 60 or less making it easy to keep the house cool during the day... and we had basements! I miss basements. Much cheaper electricity wise to have a herd up there!
I'm on Long Island NY. It was in the high 70s yesterday. It always gets warmer in my apartment than the outside temps. I ran the ac for my entire 1 bedroom apartment all day until about 8:00 p.m. I kept everything at 70-72 degrees.
Slept with all the windows open and woke up to a cool apartment. Turned on ac before I left for work as it is going to be close to 90 degrees today.

I go home for lunch and always think it is so funny that I am out in the hot weather while my two chihuahuas and my sweet chin are in the cool comfortable apartment.
I hate to see my electric bill this month... When I kept the house at 75, my bill was around 300 and I recently started setting it at 68, so I know there is going to be a hike! But it's for my chins so its worth it!

I found that the lower temps have made them all more active and happy both during play time and cage time!
I did have my annual go round with my husband, who, after 5 years, still does not always seem to "get" the need for her to be cool. Yesterday, when it was goint to be in the mid 80's out I had to "discuss" the issue of him just wanting to put the AC on fan. I won. He found that he cannot win when both Trixie and I give him the stink eye.
If you don't want to set your AC too low, we've had success with setting it around 70-75 keeping a fan or two running near the chins. When it's time for playtime we turn the fans off and lower the overall temp if necessary. I also keep a thermometer on the wall right next to the chin cages, if it's hovering to close to 75 or warmer I lower the overall temperature on the AC.

Lady LOVES sprawling out on a shelf where the fan blows on her directly, and the other two don't seem to show a preference either way.
My boys are in my bedroom and have their own window unit that I keep at 68.
The rest of my house is kept at 78 durring the summer .We can wear shorts and tee shirts to help keep cool.
I was starting to worry about my chins because their room was farthest from the AC. Only a small amount of air actually made it to the room, and the thermostat cannot be set below 78, courtesy of my parents, who also don't understand why the chins need to be kept cool.

However, just this weekend I had an idea. I closed every single vent in the house except for the one in the chin room. The house is a nice, toasty 80 degrees, and the chins are happy and cool at a lovely 68 degrees. Does wonders for the energy bill.

Oh, and this is my first post. Finally settling in to CnH.