Age ear freckles develop?

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I'm a sucker for ear freckles, and I always thought they developed later on. But I was looking at my Moosie's nose and ears earlier and noticed he has little tiny freckles spouting up already! He's only a few months old and definitely still in his awkward stage, so it got me curious. Have you found that freckles start developing at a particular age, or is it mostly random?

I'll have to try to get a picture of Moose's nose freckle and his little teensy ear specks. It looks like Bostin has a few sprouting as well. :heart:
Most of mine are random. Some start as babies....not quite as young as yours, but about 5-6 months. Others take years. I love waiting for the changes!
I also think it is random. I work with a lot of beiges, so I see them pop up at different times. I have babies that already start to have ear freckles at a few months, and I have 3-5 year olds that maybe have 1 freckle on them. I have a girl who did not have any ear freckles, but then at about three, she started to have lots of them, and they are super dark. I may just be seeing things, but it seems to me that ear freckles may also be genetic. I have a few lines that never seem to have very many ear freckles at all, while others have very prominent ones as young chins, or as they age.
Stack I'm so glad you asked this question! I have 4 beiges here and only Bobo and Abigail has freckles on ears and nose. Leonard is almost 6 and he has no freckles at all. GiGi is Bobo's daughter and her daddy Gordon was a mosaic. GiGi is almost 2 years old and she doesn't have any freckles either. Princess Solange is a light tan girl and I know I've often heard beiges and tans are the same color class but color wise I just don't see it. But my princess still has the CUTEST little pink nose and ears with no freckles in sight.

BTW Moose can come and stay with Auntie Laurie for a sleepover ANY time!!!
I have seen them here develop as early as a year old and as old as 5..

Kathy if that is true...I wonder if any breeders actually track it in their animals ?
My beiges tend to develop freckles between 4-6 months of age... during this time it is very few but by the time they are a year or so, the freckles are much more plentiful.
My Charlie (PW) had not a single freckle on him when I first got him. Now he's got quite a few! He started to get them around a year of age.

He doesn't have many. The first pic is him when I first got him, the second is of a few months ago.


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I had a beige weaniling with several freckles and a tan weaniling with no freckles. The Beieges mom has a ton of freckles, but the tan's dad who is also a tan has none yet and he is 3
I had two mosaic babies leave here at 2 months with freckles. Their parents both have ear freckles - their dad developed them early, but their mom waited until she was about 2 yrs old to get any...
I have a tan that is about 1 year old. He has the cutest pink ears with no freckles. His father had a ton of freckles by the time he was a year old.
I had two mosaic babies leave here at 2 months with freckles. Their parents both have ear freckles - their dad developed them early, but their mom waited until she was about 2 yrs old to get any...

Can mosaics have freckles? I thought it was stritctly a beige thing.
I didn't even know my twins were going to get freckles. I know they were well over a year old before I noticed.

My beige Dango is about a little over a year and there are no freckles whatsoever!! Freckles are so cute, I'm crossing my fingers for him to get them in the future =D