Advice please.

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I don't know about the vitamin B shot. I have never heard of it being used to stimulate appetite, hopefully Dawn will offer advice on this. But I would go to the vet and ask to see the xrays. If they are old school films, you can bring a camera and take a picture of them. There is a reason why your chinchilla isn't eating and dental disease is a possibility. Hopefully there are no teeth problems, but we want to rule that out and move on to the next possibility and get your chin eating again.
If the chin is not eating the problem needs to be diagnosed and not "covered up" by Vit B, which is useless if the problem is dental, a dental chin will not eat period, until diagnosis the chin needs to be hand fed until it eats on its own, how long is up to the chin and if the problem is rectified to the chins satisfaction.
I'm so sorry you are going through this! I hope everything turns out all right.
I am not a Chin owner, but have had experience with Vitamin B shots to stimulate appetites.

My hedgehog stopped eating for unknown reasons and lost 30 grams of her 300 grams in 7 days. The vet gave her a vit B shot and she started eating on her own again. With supplements and regular kibble she gained back all that she lost and more. I strongly believe the vit B saved her life...after a day of trying to force her to eat it was only after the shot that she started to.

Its worth a shot!! Best of luck to you and your little one.
Rachel, this chin has the potential of dental issues, a chin with a dental problem will not eat no matter what, and if a gallon of B12 was injected they still will not eat, no way, no how, won't happen.
She started eating again on her own :dance3: but she is still doing the teeth grinding thing and is very skinny. The Boyfriend has total confidence in the vet and EVERYTHING she says but I do not trust her. I have yet to get the shot simply because the last time I was there her $150 esitmate turned into over $500 and that took all the money I had, literally. I couldn't afford it even if I wanted to.

I'm still trying to get the X rays. :impatient:
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How has your chin been lately? Is she still eating on her own?

she seems to almost be herself. The only things I have not seen her do is run in her wheel or chew on the lava bites. She is eating, demanding attention, chewing willow bark and pooping and is gaining weight back :dance3:.

Her poops seem a bit skinnier then i remember though.