Advice and a Critical Eye Please :)

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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chin smitten
Mar 2, 2009
Looking for constructive criticism and advice on my new webby :)

Please take a look and tell me what you think!!! Any help is very appreciated. I want to make it as accurate and useful as possible.


:bowdown: to the chin experts!! hehe
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Feed chinchillas a rabbit or any other small animal pellet"

-There are several high quality rabbit pellets that are fed with no issues-

"Bedding: I personally use either aspen shavings or heat dried pine shavings (kiln-dried). CareFresh, cedar & newspaper should not be used."

-Carefresh is no a problem, many people use it-

"Chinchillas CANNOT and SHOULD NOT get wet… this can cause health issues and fungus growth"

-Chins can have water baths in certain cases, as long as they are dried properly there is no health issues.


-not a dependable dealer-

Flying saucers are also a good wheel
Thanks!!! Going to do some editing shorly... appreciate the feedback.. just have to call the vet first!
I do like the layout and how you have links so CnH & Stacie's page. I can't critique the content but I do think that Carefresh is a debatable topic.

I have done autopsies where carefresh was found blocking intestines. I would not use it I stick to pine...fleece is ok too

Hope you don't mind me quoting you starleomach.
It may be debatable, but many people have and do use it, I would not put it in the same category at cedar. A chin can become impacted by anything it eats that is not food-Chubes, cardboard, aspen and pine bedding, loofa, paper, books, plastic...... they can even become impacted by food if the digestive system slows down, JMO after being on forums for years with a small rate of impactions seen.
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As far as water goes, not all filtered water is going to be giardia free. Many bottled filtered water are from municipalities, and as humans we aren't as susceptible to giardia as chins are. I'd suggest noting that water should be filtered through a filter that states it removes giardia. And these filters should be changed regularly.
As far as water goes, not all filtered water is going to be giardia free. Many bottled filtered water are from municipalities, and as humans we aren't as susceptible to giardia as chins are. I'd suggest noting that water should be filtered through a filter that states it removes giardia. And these filters should be changed regularly.

Noted and edited thanks!!!:thumbsup:
My advice to you is to learn more about chinchillas before you put up an informational web site. There are more than enough substandard informational sites out there, without adding another. :)
My advice to you is to learn more about chinchillas before you put up an informational web site. There are more than enough substandard informational sites out there, without adding another. :)

So, are you saying that the information on my site is substandard?
So, are you saying that the information on my site is substandard?
You are asking for people to review it and correct errors. That to me is substandard information that you are putting forth. I know that having a new animals is exciting and you want to share it with the world, but I don't understand why people who have just gotten chins or owned them such a short time feel compelled to put up a website, when they don't even have the correct information. On the forum we spend a lot of time trying to correct bad information that people have received from various substandard sites. My advice is to read the forum and learn all you can. It's not necessary to have your own site. :)
You are asking for people to review it and correct errors. That to me is substandard information that you are putting forth. I know that having a new animals is exciting and you want to share it with the world, but I don't understand why people who have just gotten chins or owned them such a short time feel compelled to put up a website, when they don't even have the correct information. On the forum we spend a lot of time trying to correct bad information that people have received from various substandard sites. My advice is to read the forum and learn all you can. It's not necessary to have your own site. :)

Hmm well, I guess I don't see things as you do, but none the less respect a variety of opinions.
While I agree that bad info is not good on any site. It may be a great learning experience for you to put up a website. I would just check the info on here first, and if you are not sure about anything, ask before you post it online. Try not to complete all the website at once. Take your time, and make sure that your info is correct, and you will be fine. You have a great learning resource here. You could always PM people to double check info if you don't want to create a whole new topic each time.

One thing, a small style thing, that i noticed on your page. On the care page, you have numbers that tell what you will be talking about on the page, and then the sections following. It would look really nice and be functional if you could make those topic sentences hyperlink to the text below that they are talking about...

Good luck. I hope you learn a lot. :)
Siylvat, thank you for your response. This is similar to how I view it. Though I have owned animals my entire life, I'm also humble enough to admit that I don't know everything there is to know and especially with regards to chinchillas, I've only owned them for a few years, so I am still learning a lot.

As a teacher I always believe in empowering students with the skills and information they lack so they can achieve what ever it is that they desire and the same goes for myself.

I put the website up using the knowledge that I have gained with the resources that I have and then put that website here first before posting it anywhere else to get the expert's opinions on what is good and not quite there yet. In my mind, then I'm learning and creating a treasure chest of information accrued from people who have been caring for chinchillas and now have lots of experience to share with others who want to learn.

It's nice to know someone else shares my view :bliss:

While I agree that bad info is not good on any site. It may be a great learning experience for you to put up a website. I would just check the info on here first, and if you are not sure about anything, ask before you post it online. Try not to complete all the website at once. Take your time, and make sure that your info is correct, and you will be fine. You have a great learning resource here. You could always PM people to double check info if you don't want to create a whole new topic each time.

One thing, a small style thing, that i noticed on your page. On the care page, you have numbers that tell what you will be talking about on the page, and then the sections following. It would look really nice and be functional if you could make those topic sentences hyperlink to the text below that they are talking about...

Good luck. I hope you learn a lot. :)
I have to agree with Meanie. We have a lot of substandard information out there.

Learning is a great thing and making pages for a website is a really good way to learn. Instead of putting the info up right away and then asking if it's all correct...why not post the pages here FIRST for review and once the page is approved you can put it on your site. That would keep more substandard or possibly incorrect information off the worldwide web.

I, personally, did not make my website until I was confident in the information I was putting on there. I also review it regularly and update the information or clean up mistakes. You have to realize that your website is viewable to the entire world and if you have one thing wrong on there it could be a very dangerous tool. People search online until they find a site that says what they want it to and then they run and quote it all over the place. I've run into it a million times on youtube, yahoo answers and other sharing sites. It's obnoxious and makes the fight for knowledge that much harder.
Easily done and actually easier to fix.. I just thought that this would be more simple for those on this site to view it and thus I put it up. I can send info through documents but when I posted once to do that, literally NO ONE replied haha and so I had to seek someone in person.. which is fine, just didn't want this post to flop the same way

I have to agree with Meanie. We have a lot of substandard information out there.

Learning is a great thing and making pages for a website is a really good way to learn. Instead of putting the info up right away and then asking if it's all correct...why not post the pages here FIRST for review and once the page is approved you can put it on your site. That would keep more substandard or possibly incorrect information off the worldwide web.

I, personally, did not make my website until I was confident in the information I was putting on there. I also review it regularly and update the information or clean up mistakes. You have to realize that your website is viewable to the entire world and if you have one thing wrong on there it could be a very dangerous tool. People search online until they find a site that says what they want it to and then they run and quote it all over the place. I've run into it a million times on youtube, yahoo answers and other sharing sites. It's obnoxious and makes the fight for knowledge that much harder.