active in middle age

  • Thread starter brandiandmychin
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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I'm new to this whole online thing when it comes to my chin. I've had him for over 7 years and hes about 9 years old, even so hes just as crazy and energetic as ever. I try to keep him busy and happy but that gets hard when I have things to do. So in re-turn for being busy and not always having time to play with him, he finds ways to get me back.. When I let him out he will often find my cloths and play hind and go seek with them, but it doesnt stop there. He loves carring things around in his mouth like a puppy and then makes me chase him around the room like a mother chasing her child at a super market.... but i think the best one is he resently found out how to get on to my captains bed, and theres a space between the wall and bed that i keep covered with a bunch of blankets... needless to say he went down like a ship.... but anyway i love him to death and hes like my best friend... but does anyone have suggestions on how to keep him more entertained when I dont have as much time to play with him?
He sounds like he's in the prime of his life. Does he have a wheel in his cage? It's no real substitute for human attention or out-of-cage playtime, but it can really help! Some safe/good ones are the Flying Saucer and the Chin Spin.
My Leonard is 8 years old and much lazier than your guy Brandi! Leonard's favorite past time is sleeping on his Elvis pillow or in his fishbowl! Perhaps more things for him to chew would work good for him or some cardboard tubing for him play around in the cage.
yeah he has a wheel but i will look in to the chinspin he use to has a swing but i cant find a refill for the lava rock, and i will go for the more chew toys chins just cant get enough to chew on!