I got my Daughter a new chin about a month ago. Good little guy who has been eatting and drinking fine and pooin alot. He has always been very active at his chosen times and always appeard fine. I let him out tonight to run and play. Had evrything blocked off so he couldnt get into anything. He was runnin and playin fine for about 30 min. and then stumbeled to the side, which I thought was just a trip or something but it didn't stop. He all of a sudden for no apparent reason started falling to the side when he tried to walk and acts like he is disoriented. He moves like a drunk leavin the bar after close. I called as many vets as I could at this hour but dont have any open near me. They all don't have a positive answer other than an inner ear infection. I have been trying to litter train him but he rather uses it as a dry bath. Could this be part of the problem? If it is a inner ear infection is there anything I can do for it here at home? I hate seeing him like this and am scared my Daughter may loose her new beloved pet. Anyone ever experience this?