The thing about Whole Foods is that it can be very easy to miss things. I noticed that some stores are very packed with merchandise and I will just walk right by what I am looking to buy. Ask the staff where the probiotics are located. There may end up being a very small section somewhere you'd never expect it to be. Probiotics, especially the ones with the high organism counts, have gained in popularity in the last few years. Chances are the Whole Foods store has them or there may be a smaller supplement store that would have them around. You may want to get out a phone book and call around.
Two brands that nearly every health food store has is the Primadophilus by Natures way and something called PB8. The PB8 says that it has 14 billion organisms, but that is in 2 capsules.
What I like about the PB8 is that it has good prebiotic substances in each capsule. The capsules are quite large and there is a lot of powder in them. They are great for maintaining probiotic levels in healthy chins, and great for young chins that are prone to overeating.
The Primadophilus is good because it has a high organism count in a small capsule. They have it in two types - one is the regular proprietary blend and the other has more bifidus in it (it's indicated on the label which is which.) The bifidus type seems to be more helpful with bloating, the regular seems more helpful with diarrhea. It's great for when I need to treat a chin with a digestive problem because I can put an entire capsule in the mixture of whatever I am hand feeding to a chinchilla. This is the brand I would buy if giving oral antibiotics to a chin so I can help replenish the gut flora.
Never be afraid to ask someone in the store, it's better than taking so much time to look for yourself.