Accidents happen...

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
Lastnight I was getting Charlie out for playtime. When he hopped up on his wood ledge, he misjudged and slid off. His little back leg got caught between the ledge and cage bars. He was kinda dangling from the ledge by his leg and I was trying to lift him up to get his leg out. He was obviously terrified and he bit me (1st time ever), I ignored the bite and freed his leg. He was fine afterwards and enjoyed playtime as usual. I'm amazed at the chump power though, took a hunk out of my finger and cracked my finger nail. I know he didn't mean to hurt me, he was scared and not so sure that I was helping!
I'm glad you were there to catch it, as it happened. I came home once to find a chinchilla of mine dangling by a chain she how some how wrapped around her leg. I still don't know how she did it. Luckily for us, and her, nothing was broken.
Awww Poor Charlie. Thank goodness you were there to help. So glad he didn't break anything though! Chichi nipped at me once while I tried to contain her in the dust bath to put her away after playtime. LOL, I learned you don't do that. :p
wow, at least the timing was good and you were there to immediately help him. Must have been terrifying for him which is why he bit so hard. You did the right thing by ignoring it and continuing to help him. Hopefully he won't make that same mistake again!
Good thing you were there! Fonzie got stuck behind something the first time I let him out for playtime. He almost bit me but pulled away and I was able to sneak my hand in just enough to help him out. Glad Charlie wasn't hurt!
Yes, chins have an amazing biting ability. With as many herds as I have bought and handling the chins upon arriving home it's amazing I haven't been bitten more than I have. I have only had 2 animals bite me deliberately and they are not a part of my breeding herd.

I've had several chins hang themselves by legs and teeth but only had one death and no broken legs. It's pretty scarey for them and you when you find them in a bad situation but you did the right thing being calm and continuing to work on him.

I was bit by one of male females. I was trying to separate her and the female that was attacking her. She bit me square on the fingernail, splitting the nail. On the underside of the finger, the bite went to the bone. It looked like my finger was almost split in have lengthwise. Man, that hurt. I know she was scared out of her mind, she has never bit before or since and she is a real lover under any other circumstances.