acceptable for a temp cage?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
My chins been burrowing under the liner and chewing on the pan. I wont have money to buy a new one until atleast after the holidays.

Would my travel cage make an acceptable cage for 2 months until I can purchase a new one? Obviously I understand he would need to be out a little more than usual for playtimes.


This is what hes doing to the pan:


I've tried using tiles, bowls, houses, etc to weight it down but he scoots them out of the way and burrows back under. So would my travel cage be okay to keep in him until after Christmas, until I can buy some metal pans?
I have that cage that I keep sick chins in while I'm treating them so I can observe them. It's quite small and they do get pretty ticked about being in such a small place, but he'll live if you decide to use it. However, if he's chewing the pan in the FN cage, he may very well chew that pan as well- especially if he gets bored due to lack of space.
My three chins started doing the exact same thing. I went and bought bass pans. They have that extra height too which helps with the poop, or so I hear. My friend has them and said she only had 13 pieces of poop on the floor. LUCKY! They cost me about $65 shipped for both the top and bottom pans. I also know someone who tiled their FN cage. It only cost about $25 but they needed to cut the tile which could be a problem if you don't have a way to cut them down to size. I had to put one of my baby chins in one that's a small cage and he got kinda cage aggressive and so it took him a while to get outta that stage. Hope this helps! :)
The Bass pans are a good idea.

A cheaper solution is to buy some fleece and sew some pillowcase-style liners for the trays. You really just need to fold & sew two sides together, it's pretty easy. The fourth side can be left long and just tucked under. This way, he wouldn't be able to get to the pan at all, and you won't have to confine him to a smaller cage for two months.
I have a FN and a chin who wanted to chew on the pans. I've made the pillowcase type liners for them and they've worked really well for me- I think they make the cage look a little neater as well since the fleece isn't all over the place. I know somewhere on the forum there's directions on how to make regular liners but if you want directions on how to make the pillowcase ones (as I don't know if they're on here?) just PM me and I'll give them to you.