about how much dust do you use?

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
I'm just curious as to how much dust you use for 1 chin on any given month. I'm never sure if he is getting enough, or if i'm being mean trying to conserve as much dust as possible. Dust over here is quite expensive, 9$ for 2 lbs. :( I know i can get it cheaper online.
You can get it cheaper online, I believe I use JAGS and order it in $150 pound lots. I would say I use a pound per chin per month? But definitely get a flat rate box of blue cloud or blue sparkle and you will be good to go for a long time! It is hard to say, but I only do baths once a week or as needed. Blue cloud works better than most dusts and lasts longer.
If his fur looks good, then you're using enough. I only use about 1 cup per bath once a week. It works in my climate for regular dusting. For show prep, I use more dust with daily baths.

As for price, that is very expensive. You can get it online cheaper. Chinchillas.com has 14 lbs for $20 with free shipping in the US.
I've been dusting my 2 boys 2-3 per week now that it's more humid by me. I only leave it in their cage for 10-15 minutes. I go through roughly less than 1 pound a month, I think. If I put new dust in their bowl, I will re-use that dust 1 more time, I just sift out the couple of poos that were in there.
I also sift out the poos and hay, it can be reused for as long as you want. I toss it once a month or so, or when needed.
I don't use all that much per month for my girls. I also reuse the dust, I only dump it as needed, if it gets peed in, has a bunch of poop in it (I sift it out after each use, but if it's excessive I'll toss it all) or when there's mostly larger pieces of dust left.

I put about a half a cup in the bath houses I use and it works for my girls. I only dust once a week as they don't need it more than that, it's not humid right now so their fur is still fine with once a week dustings.
I buy a 40lb bag for my 8 chins and I'm sorry but I don't really know how long it lasts. I do give them at least 6 inches of dust to roll around in. I sift out poops, I never have pee in the dust. I allow the bath in the cage for no more than 10 minutes otherwise I have several chins who will dig the dust of the bath into their cage and that's a mess to clean up! I give baths 2 times, 3 times during hotter humid weather.
I keep their bath in their cage at all times. They seem to like it that way and I'm glad that they don't ever pee in it. I always check for htat thoguh. Every once in a while I take all the poop out and once a month I change it, but usually from all the jumping around in it they empty it sooner, so I change it then.
Yah some people sell it in here for pretty cheap, depending on the brand, it might be alittle different for each type, but still overall, it will be cheaper for you.

For me how much i use depends on each chin.. My Chinny chin is an OCD chin, :laughitup: and uses alot, where as my other chins don't bath as much or as long.. So i would say it could depend on the particular chin.
