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Nov 2, 2010
My chinchilla eating Beaphar, but since my girlfriend brings her own because it travels and I put in my own cage, mine is female (4 months) and the other is male (6 months).

The point is that my girlfriend, feeds her own chinchillas with charlie, resulting in one to eat normally and the other to fly throughout the feed out and searching for food. I do not want to put another bowl with charlie food because I do not want mine to eat that food.

What do you recommend;

Am I reading this correctly? Your girlfriend visits you with her 6 month old male chinchilla & when she does her chin goes into the same cage with yours (a 4 month old female) - is that right?

First off, your chins should not be put into the same cage at all & certainly not on a "visiting" basis. If your girlfriend is visiting then her chin should be in a separate cage well away from your chin - they should not be allowed to play together either.
Apart from the fact that you are not quarantining these chins to prevent any transfer of disease, they could well fight & the female will become pregnant at some point - she is 4 months old which is far too young to be bred from.

So, please keep the chins separate at all times - however, a comment on the foods - I see from your other post that you feed your chin the Beaphar Care +. That's a good food - could you get your girlfriend to swap her chin off the Charlie Chinchilla & onto Beaphar anyway? It would be much better for her chin as then he could not pick out the treats all the time & also you would only need to buy one type of food.
bring it on my own cage for 4 days and 3 days in its own cage. to do this because he will not be left 4 days in a cage by himself!

Chinchillas do not fight each other but do not know if this is sufficient to be in the same cage.

However, the girl at her home has charlie FOOD

to say not to bring back to my house properly;
Mangeo - You cannot house a 4 month old female with a mature male. The female WILL get pregnant and there is every chance that she will die giving birth to kits she isn't mature enough to deliver safely. Not only that, but the toll it can take on her body is tremendous. She isn't done growing. Her bones aren't finished growing. The nutrients she needs to make her body strong and reach her full size and potential will be eaten up by the kits growing inside of her, then when they are nursing they will be sucking even more out of her. Please, separate them and keep them separate. Your chin will survive just fine without a visitor for 3 days a week and the female won't need to die to keep him company.

What about if you guys split a bag of food? Or if you just send food home with her? Since you already have a great food and since she comes to visit (and NEEDS to be in a separate cage of her own), why not just buy enough food for 2 and sent it home with her? Charlie Chinchilla really is about the worst food out there, unless you give your chin bird seed. She would see such a difference in her girl. Also, God forbid, if she is pregnant, Charlie Chinchilla will do nothing to help support the growth of the babies and the health of mom.

As far as them not fighting, just because they don't right this minute, doesn't mean they won't. If he does get her pregnant, and if they are together when she delivers, he will attempt to breed her back. That means just before she delivers, during the delivery, and immediately after - he can get her pregnant again. I've already discussed the toll it can take on a female's body, but many times a female will refuse. The male refuses to take no for an answer, and one or the other can end up very dead.
Shows that the male wants to have sex with her but can not ... extending above and after a while without doing anything go!

what you say I received my mind and will abide ...

Here in GREECE not have good information about chinchillas
I understand that. Sometimes there's not great infromation here in the states!

It's good that you've found a forum that will be supportive of you and help you find out information on your chins. For now, I'm glad you will keep them apart, it is definitely in the girl's best interest.

Read as many of the forums as you can. Be sure to read through new chin owner, health and hygiene, breeding and babies, housing, and nutrition. There are a lot of threads in there that can really help you out in learning about chins.

Welcome to CnH. :)
The advice you have been given is top-notch, I hope that you follow it. It is best for your chinchilla. :welcome: to the forum.